A basic Python Project

Disclaimer: This project doesn't have any authentication method for security.

Side Technologies
Frontend ReactJS - Redux - Axios
Backend Python - Flask
Database MySQL


You should install and use these requirements before use this project.

Requirement Version
NodeJS 16.20.0+
NPM 8.19.4+
Python 3.10+
MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 or 5.7

How to use?

You can follow these steps to start the application.

Virtual environments

  • in macOS/Linux:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
  • in Windows:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ py -3 -m venv .venv
$ .venv\Scripts\activate

Install all project dependencies using:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd frontend/
$ npm install

Edit your env.py

Open env.py and edit SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI based on your mysql database information.

It should be like this example: mysql://username:password@server/db

Note: make sure your MySQL is running and works.

Run the migrations

$ flask db upgrade head

Run the Flask server

$ flask run --host=

Run the React.js application

Note: make sure you are in the frontend directory.

$ npm start

Running ports and urls

By default, your backend server is running at and your frontend is running at

If you changed the server address you should change let apiPrefix = "http://localhost:5000/api" in the redux actions.


URL Method Input Params Success Output Errors
/api/login POST {"username": username} {"status": true, "user": userData} 404 If user not found and 500 for server errors
/api/register POST {"username": username, "fullname": fullname, "email": email} {"status": true, "user": userData} 403 If user exists and 500 for server errors
/api/picture GET user_id: userId, page: requestedPageNumber {"status": true, "pictures": picturesList} 404 If not exists and 500 for server errors
/api/picture POST formData(username: username, picture: pictureFile) {"status": true, "picture": pictureData} 404 If the user not exists and 500 for server errors