Big Data Properties:

  • amount
  • size
  • inifinity
  • structure
  • complexity

Data Processing Patterns

  • Batch Processing ==> MapReduce, Pig
  • Stream Processing ==> Storm, Spark
  • interactive processing/SQL ==> Impala, Hive
  • Iterative processing ==> Spark
  • Search ==> Solr

Hadoop cluster

  • Master Nodes: NameNode(two) and ResourceManager(two)


  • files are divided into blocks of 128MB. Each block is replicated and stored on 3 different datanodes (on different racks)
  • Files are written-once (no random write)
  • HDFS is optimized streaming reads of large files (no random reads)

MapReduce Concepts

  • Record Reader produces key-value pairs from raw input data
  • Shuffle & Sort ensures that all values for a particular intermediate key go to the same Reducer
  • Output writer produces output folders and files in HDFS
  • A Map/Reduce task process is also called a Mapper/Reducer
  • A task is the execution of one Mapper or Reducer over a slice of data
  • Each Map/Reduce task executes one or more map/reduce functions
  • Map and Reduce phases are executed parallelly
  • Mappers ofen parse, filter and transform data. Reducers often aggregate data using statistical/numeric functions.
  • one Map task per chunck and Reduce tasks in Hadoop is 1 by default (or set by developers).

Node Failure

  • Compute Node fails
    • Map tasks fail ==> all map tasks of that compute node need to be redone
    • Reduce tasks failes =>= reschduled
  • Master Controller fails ==> MR job has to be restarted

MapReduce V2

4 types of daemons:

  • ResourceManager: job scheduling
  • ApplicationMaster: task progress monitoring
  • NodeManager: run tasks and send progress reports
  • Job History: archives job metrics and metadata

Job Execution

  • execute driver on client
  • ResourceManager invokes ApplicationMaster
  • ApplicationMaster invokes NodeManager for task execution

Data Locality

  • when possible Map tasks are executed on the node where the block of data to be processed is stored
  • when impossible Map tasks transfer the data accross the network
  • Map tasks store their output on local disk
  • No data locality for shuffle & sort
    • Intermediate data is transferred accross the network
    • Reduce Tasks write directly to HDFS

Shuffle & Sort

  • If possible, in-memory sort using QuickSort
  • else,
    • subsets are sorted in-memory(partition, sort)
    • spill to disk
    • merge on disk

MR Bottleneck

  • Reduce tasks can only start when all Map tasks are completed
  • Every reduce task has to expect data from every map task but data transfer


  • GOAL: reduce amount of intermediate data produced by Mappers
  • act as a mini-reducer
  • run locally on the output of Mappers running on the same compute node, as part of Map phase
  • Some reducers may be used as combiners and some may not

YARN (ResourceManager)

  • manage all jobs submitted to the cluster
  • invokes ApplicationMaster for each job

MR Program

  • A hadoop MR program consists of the Mapper, the Reducer and a program called the driver
  • driver
    • run on the client
    • configure the job
    • submit it to the cluster
  • Job class
    • set input and output format
    • set input and output location

Test MR Program

  • Hadoop can run MR in a single, local process (test locally using localjobrunner)
    • benefit: test incremental changes quickly
    • limitations:
      • Distributed Cache doesn't work
      • the job can only specify a single reducer
      • some beginner mistakes may not be caught
    • set in driver
    • use Eclipse
    • use ToolRunner and command line arguments

Setup & Cleanup

  • Setup
    • GOAL: Mapper/Reducer should execute some code once before the map or reduce methods are called
    • the setup method is executed before the first call of map/reduce method
  • Cleanup
    • GOAL: perform some actions after all the records have been processed by the Mapper/Reducer
    • the cleanup method is executed before the Mapper/Reducer terminates
    • can also be used for emits


  • the Partitioner determines to which Reducer each intermediate key and its associated values go
  • default is HashPartitioner which guarantee all pairs with the same key go to the same Reducer
  • Global Sort:
    • single Reducer:
      • easist
      • not always applicable (Not enough disk space and no parallel execution)
    • fixed number of Reducer and for k1 < k2, let partition(k1) <= partition(k2)
      • fixed partitions do not reflect the key distribution ==> skew
    • fixed number of Reducer + sorted output

Secondary Sort

  • GOAL: Sort the values for each key
  • use a composite key as a intermediate key
    • Sort Comparator: compare primary key first, if equal, compare secondary key
    • Group Comparator: compare primary key only and determine which keys and values are passed in a single call to the reducer

Communication Cost

  • GOAL: measure the efficiency of MR algorithm
  • DEFINITION: number of key-value pairs that are input to all tasks of the entire MR workflow
  • communication cost per job:
    • number of key-value pairs that are Mapper input
    • number of key-list-of-value pairs that are Reducer input
  • pairs and stripes: (k^2 - k) / 2 and k-1

Co-occurrence Recommendation

  • Pros:
    • reflect preferences of other users
    • the item a user is interested in has some similarity with the recommend items
    • same computation for all users
    • same algo for Frequently bought together
  • Cons:
    • only popular items will be recommend
    • same recommendation for the same item for every user
    • not user personalized

Collaborative Filtering

  • GOAL: predict missing ratings & recommend items with high predicted ratings
  • Similarity metrics:
    • Jaccard similarity:
    • Cosine similarity:
    • Pearson similarity:


  • data flow language
  • high level data processing
  • Pig is a scripting language for exploring large datasets
  • Use case:
    • help extract valuable info from Web server log files
    • sampling can help you explore a representative portion of a large data set
    • Pig is also widely used for Extract, Transform, and Load(ETL) processing

Work Flow

  • GOAL: submit jobs to the cluster in the correct sequence
  • Oozie:
    • work flow engine for MR jobs
    • defines dependencies between jobs
    • works for DAGs
    • use forks and joins
    • write workflows in XML

Hadoop MR limitation

  • strict frame work
  • slow
  • not interactive
  • Java only
  • little support for processing streaming
  • no ml library

Apache Spark

  • flexible
  • keep data in memory
  • higher-level abstraction than MR
  • implement jobs in Java, Python and Scala
  • fast
  • interactive shell

RDD - Resilient Distributed Datasets

  • Data is automatically partitioned
  • RDDs are immutable
  • RDDs can hold any types of element
  • Pair RDDs -> key-value pairs, Double RDDs -> numeric data
  • Action return values, Transformation defines a new RDD based on the current one
  • Transformation: map/flatMap/flatMapValues, keyBy, groupByKey/sortByKey
  • Action: take/count/first/saveAsTextFile

Fast Execution

  • Lazy Execution
  • Pipelining

Apache Flume

  • Apache Flume is a high-performance system for data collection
  • Benefits:
    • Horizontally-scalable
    • Extensible
    • Reliable

Stages & Tasks

  • Stages are operations that can run on the same data partitioning in parallel across executors/nodes
  • Tasks within a stage are operations executed by one executor/node that are pipelined together

Best Tool

  • Java MR or Spark: when you are good at programming and need a flexible framework
  • Impala or SparkSQL: when you need real time reponse with structured data
  • Hive or Pig: when you need support for custom file types or complex data types
  • Big Data Processing:
    • Ingest: Flume
    • Process: Spark, MR, Hive, Pig
    • Analyze: Impala, Spark
    • ML: Spark, MR

Apache Hive

  • Apache Hive is a high-level abstraction on top of MapReduce
    • use SQL-like language called HiveQL
    • Generates MapReduce jobs that run on the Hadoop cluster
    • turn queries into MR jobs

Apache HBase

  • A NoSQL distributed database built on HDFS
  • Scales to support very large amounts of data and high throughput

Apache Impala

  • Impala is a high-performance SQL engine
    • runs on hadoop cluster
    • data stored in HDFS
    • low latency
    • ideal for interactive analysis