
Currency exchanger developed with Java that uses an API to get updated exchange rates daily.

Primary LanguageJava

Currency exchanger

Currency exchanger developed with Java that uses an API to get updated exchange rates daily.

Badge status GitHub Org's stars

Demo video:



  • Implementation of an API to get updated exchange rates.
  • Implementation of a local database for the storage of the exchange rates.
    It allows to execute just one request to the API everyday, per user.
  • Soporta hasta cien usuarios por dia.

How can I use this app?

Yo can download the latest version here.

You will need Java 8+ in order to execute it. On the follow link you will found the download links for Java in it's last version for the various OS's availabe: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp. After the download, just follow the steps on your screen.

After installing Java and download the app, just unzip the file, double click conversor_divisas.jar an that's all! You can use the app.