A Tkinter Speech-Recognition Project which acts like your Digital Assistant.

Primary LanguagePython


Voice or speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation as well as comprehend and execute spoken instructions. With the rise of AI and smart assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, and Microsoft's Cortana, voice recognition has grown in popularity.

Customers may use voice recognition technology to communicate with technology simply by speaking to it, allowing for hands-free requests, reminders, and other basic activities.


  • Helps to multitask by speaking directly to the program
  • Saves time and effort


  • Background noise can affect the response. (Added GoogleTweaks to improve noise recognition)
  • There is also a problem with words that sound alike, but that are spelled differently and have different meanings; for example: hear and here.


  • To create a simple, lightweight, digital assistant which can surf the web and return results on your screen.
  • Can also act as a book recommender and statistics provider about top books, authors, etc.

How to use:

Make sure to say LUNA before speaking your command.

  • Play "a song" (Command: Play Havana).
  • What is the time (Command: What is the time).
  • Who is or What is (Command: Who is Nelson Mandela).
  • Joke (Command: Tell me a joke).
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install tk
pip install pywhatkit
pip install pyttsx3
pip install wikipedia
pip install pyjokes
pip install threaded
pip install mysql.connector
pip install datetime
pip install textwrap