Acknowledgement: Huge thanks to Vaishnav Manoj for providing this template.

  1. Clone or Download Repository:

    • Clone or download the repository containing the modular academic portfolio template from GitHub.
     git clone
     cd academic-portfolio
     npm install --legacy-peer-deps
     npm run dev
  2. Update Data:

    • Update the data.json file located in the data directory with your academic information. Modify the content within the "info" section to reflect your personal details, such as name, location, university, about section, social media links, footer text, and navbar links.
    • Update the sections under "sections" with your experience, projects, and community details. Ensure you update the title, data, and other relevant fields such as title, location, duration, description, links, image, and tags.
  3. Add Images:

    • Upload your images to the lib/images folder. Make sure the image filenames match the ones specified in the data.json file for each section.
  4. Customize Styles (Optional):

    • Customize the styles of the portfolio template according to your preferences by modifying the CSS or Svelte component files.
  5. Run Locally:

    • Run the portfolio template locally to preview your changes and ensure everything looks as expected. You can do this by installing the necessary dependencies and starting the development server.
     npm run dev

    Go to http://localhost:5173 to view the portfolio template in your browser.

  6. Deploy:

    • Once you're satisfied with your portfolio, deploy it to a hosting service of your choice to make it accessible online. You can use platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or GitHub Pages for hosting.