
A mod for Battlefield 3: Venice Unleashed which adds console commands to allow live editing.

Primary LanguageLua


A mod for Battlefield 3: Venice Unleashed which adds console commands to allow live editing. Now you can crash your game in real-time!


  • vu-ebxedit.GetValue <ResourcePathOrGUID|String> <PropertyNamePath|string>
  • vu-ebxedit.SetNumber <ResourcePathOrGUID|String> <PropertyNamePath|string> <NewValue|number>
  • vu-ebxedit.SetString <ResourcePathOrGUID|String> <PropertyNamePath|string> <NewValue|string>


Read value permissions are by default enabled for everyone. To enable write values permissions for specific users, change the userCanWrite array in EbxEdit\ext\Server\EbxEditServer.lua.


While running the game you can type these command into the console to edit any ebx value directly.


Both of these examples read the same actual value but in different ways

Method 1 uses the resource's Container Name and an absolute path from there

vu-ebxedit.GetValue Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire.ammo.MagazineCapacity

Method 2 uses the resource's GUID and the relative path to the value

vu-ebxedit.GetValue C2E77536-5D91-43AF-B78D-03CDC06C3A6D ammo.MagazineCapacity


Both of these examples find and set the same actual value but in different ways

Method 1 uses the resource's Container Name and an absolute path from there

vu-ebxedit.SetNumber Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire.ammo.MagazineCapacity 25

Method 2 uses the resource's GUID and the relative path to the value

vu-ebxedit.SetNumber C2E77536-5D91-43AF-B78D-03CDC06C3A6D ammo.MagazineCapacity 25

You can even do complex paths through arrays as long as you know which index to use This example changes the mp443's gun master weapon magazine modifier

vu-ebxedit.SetNumber Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM object.WeaponModifierData.2.Modifiers.2.MagazineCapacity 25

The Shared EbxEditUtils Library

You can import the EbxEditUtils class into your mod to make retreiving resources easier

Add the EbxEditUtils.lua file to your ext/shared folder and don't forget to then require the file in your scripts.

ebxEditUtils = require('__shared/EbxEditUtils')

You now have access to the class as ebxEditUtils in the global namespace of your mod.


-- let's grab the mp443 SoldierWeaponBlueprint
local weaponMP443 = ebxEditUtils:GetWritableInstance('Weapons/MP443/MP443')

if (weaponMP443 == nil) then
	return '"Weapons/MP443/MP443" was not found or has not been loaded'

-- let's drill down into the firing function and change the MagazineCapacity
local ammoConfigData = ebxEditUtils:GetWritableContainer(weaponMP443, 'Object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire.FireLogic.Ammo')

-- now we can set our value
ammoConfigData.magazineCapacity = 300

-- `ammoConfigData` now represents `Object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire.FireLogic.Ammo` so you can edit more properties
ammoConfigData.NumberOfMagazines = 5
ammoConfigData.AutoReplenishMagazine = true
ammoConfigData.AutoReplenishDelay = 4

Useful Methods


This method returns a writable instance and precasts it to the correct type. resourcePathOrGUIDOrContainer can be a path such as Weapons/MP443/MP443, a single instance Guid such as B41C9F21-D723-4607-B2BA-4B2C30677C51, or a pre-existing DataContainer instance


local fireData = ebxEditUtils:GetWritableInstance('53489D8D-BE0B-4180-9F96-F1B728EFD898')
fireData.shot.initialSpeed.z = 450
fireData.fireLogic.rateOfFire = 900
fireData.ammo.magazineCapacity = 420
fireData.ammo.numberOfMagazines = -1

EbxEditUtils:GetWritableContainer(instance, propertyPath|table/string)

This method lets you take a higher level object and drill down to a specific container within that object. Normally this requires a lot of local variables and casting instances or a Guid closer to where you want to edit. Note that propertyPath can be a table or a string. If you supply a table it must be the path names to follow in order. As a string, each path entry is seperated by the period (.) character.

This method returns two values: <workingInstance>,<valid>

  • <workingInstance>: object | the found instance as a typed object and made writable
  • <valid>: boolean | the given path was valid Usage
local fireData = ebxEditUtils:GetWritableContainer(weaponMP443, 'Object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire')
-- we now have the FiringFunctionData of the mp443
fireData.shot.initialSpeed.z = 450
fireData.fireLogic.rateOfFire = 900
fireData.ammo.magazineCapacity = 420
fireData.ammo.numberOfMagazines = -1

EbxEditUtils:GetWritableProperty(instance, propertyPath|table/string)

This method lets you take a higher level object and drill down to a specific property within that object. Note that propertyPath can be a table or a string. If you supply a table it must be the path names to follow in order. As a string, each path entry is seperated by the period (.) character.

This method returns three values: <workingInstance>,<propertyName>,<valid>

  • <workingInstance>: object | the found instance as a typed object and made writable
  • <propertyName>: string | the property name as a string
  • <valid>: boolean | the given path was valid


local fireData, primaryAmmo = ebxEditUtils:GetWritableProperty(weaponMP443, 'Object.WeaponFiring.PrimaryFire.UsePrimaryAmmo')
-- we now have the FiringFunctionData of the mp443 and the specific property 'UsePrimaryAmmo'

fireData[primaryAmmo] = false -- note the usage of an array index using the property

EbxEditUtils:GetValidPath(propertyPath|string) and EbxEditUtils:FormatMemberName(memberName|string)

The GetValidPath method takes a string path to a property and converts it into an array of property names. It will also automatically enforce proper casing using the FormatMemberName method if you are using the names from the EBX files directly.

'MagazineCapacity' becomes 'magazineCapacity' 'AmmoPickupMaxAmount' becomes 'ammoPickupMaxAmount'

It does NOT, however, perfectly enforce the naming scheme, it will not fix casing errors after the first character

'MagazineCaPacity' becomes 'magazineCaPacity' 'AmmoPickupmaxAmount' becomes 'ammoPickupmaxAmount'