
tiltify-donation-server is a server that vends Tiltify events over Socket.IO. It polls Tiltify for new donations and an updated total, and emits events when new data is available.





  "id": "12345",
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "amount": 12.34,
  "date_created": "",
  "comment": "Optional comment"

Environment Variables

TILTIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN - An access token for accessing your Tiltify campaign.

CAMPAIGN_ID - The ID for your Tiltify campaign.

REFRESH_INTERVAL - The number of milliseconds to use as the interval for pinging Tiltify. Defaults to 5000.

LAST_SEEN_DONATION_ID - The identifier of the last donation that was seen by the server. Provide this value for cases where you need to stop and restart the server, to avoid fetching old donations. Optional.