Python Script for SEO Optimization in WordPress and WooCommerce Using OpenAI

Python Scripts for SEO Optimization

This repository contains Python scripts designed to optimize SEO tasks in your WordPress and WooCommerce websites using OpenAI. The scripts developed herein can automate tasks such as title optimization, slug optimization, and several others.


The scripts use the WooCommerce REST API to fetch and update your products. They leverage OpenAI's GPT-3 for the generation of optimized product titles and slugs. This enhanced automation enables superior SEO outputs and a more efficient, data-driven strategy.


While this repository is made public to share knowledge and contribute to the community, please be aware that I, as the author, am not responsible for the consequences of using these scripts on live websites.


These scripts should be used responsibly and tested on a safe environment before deploying on a live site. SEO does have a significant impact on website visibility and business operations, hence it is essential to thoroughly test and understand how the scripts work before implementation.

Please make sure to update your WordPress/WooCommerce URL, WooCommerce Consumer Key and Secret, and OpenAI API key in the script before running it.


The scripts in this repository are released under the open-source MIT license. This means you can use and modify the scripts for your projects as long as you include the original copyright notice and disclaimers.

For more information, feel free to check the official resource website, where you can understand better how to use Python for SEO tasks.