Final Exam Practice - URL Shortener


The goal of this exercise is to create an http.Handler that will look at the path of any incoming web request and determine if it should redirect the user to a new page, much like URL shortener would.

For instance, if we have a redirect setup for /dogs to we would look for any incoming web requests with the path /dogs and redirect them.


To complete this exercise, you will need to implement the stubbed out methods in handler.go. Each method has lots of comments explaining what it should do, and there is also a main/main.go source file that uses the package to help you test your code and get an idea of what your program should be doing.

I suggest first commenting out all of the code in main.go related to the JSONHandler function and focusing on implementing the MapHandler function first.

After you get the JSON parsing down, try to convert the data into a map and then use the MapHandler to finish the JSONHandler implementation.

An example implementation may end up looking like this:

func JSONHandler(json []byte, fallback http.Handler) (http.HandlerFunc, error) {
  parsedJson, err := parseYAML(json)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  pathMap := buildMap(parsedJson)
  return MapHandler(pathMap, fallback), nil

In order for this to work, you will need to create functions like parseJson and buildMap on your own.
