
This CCSprite subclass provides a simple way of animating Sprites in cocos2d 3.0.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Note: This is a cocos2d 3.0 class and demo project. It is not compatible with cococ2d 2.x. We have a Kobold2D version on branch "kobold2d-2.x-branch"


This CCSprite subclass provides a simple way of animating Sprites in cocos2d 3.0.


####Initialization: Provide a .plist file generated either Texture Packer or zwoptex.

CCAnimatedSprite *animatedSprite = [CCAnimatedSprite animatedSpriteWithPlist:@"animation_knight.plist"];

####Creating animations: Select a duration for presenting each of the animation frames and provide an animation name. This animation name needs to correspond to the names in your plist. If the animation is called animation_knight your frames in the .plist need to be called animation_knight-1.png, animation_knight-2.png and so forth:


[animatedSprite addAnimationwithDelayBetweenFrames:0.1f name:@"animation_knight"];

####Run animations: Simply call runAnimation and provide a name of a previously created animation. This will run the animation in a loop.

[animatedSprite runAnimation:@"animation_knight"];

####Stop animations: Straightforward:

[animatedSprite stopAnimation];

####Set a custom frame: Manually sets a frame. Does not stop any running animation. The image name needs to be contained in the plist-File which was used to initialize this CCAnimatedSprite instance.

[animatedSprite setFrame:@"animation_knight-1.png"];

####Access animation actions: If you for any reason need to perform animations manually, for example if you want to run an animation only once instead of looping it, you can use animationByName to access the CCActionAnimate objects for each animation:

// load the animation
CCActionAnimate *animation = [animatedSprite animationByName:@"animation_knight"];

// stop any current animation
[animatedSprite stopAnimation];

// run loaded animation once
[animatedSprite runAction:animation];

Sample Project

You can simply download this example project to see all the described functionality in action. image