This is the final project of the Make School Notes Swift Tutorial. This brief documentation gives an overview of the source code involved in building this project.

#Classes and Frameworks provided as part of template project


Provides different components used throughout the App. The biggest component used by this app is the TextView that unlike UITextView allows to display a placeholder text.


A simple persistence framework. Used to persist notes created in the app.

#Class Overview


Defines the default blue color as a constant to avoid duplicating that information throughout the app.


Displays a a note, including title and creation date.


Main View Controller of the app. Lists all notes created by a user. Allows user to filter notes by searching. Also allows users to delete notes.


A container View Controller that provides a top bar allowing users to save a new note, or cancel the process. This ViewController contains a NoteDisplayViewController that provides text field and text view to edit the newly created note.


Displays a note and allows a user to edit it. Contains text field for title and text view for note body. Also contains a bottom bar that provides a deleted button.