Centrifugal Dust Separator - MK2 - 3D Files for printing (Beta release)
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Tube suppliers may vary based on your geographic location, and so do the tube dimensions.
Files are adjusted accordingly, see README files in the spesific build versions for suppliers info:
*note: First print the scaling ring to check your tube dimensions. See: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JZXLTLeB2oE
**note: For parts that are not listed in the subfolders (such as the Y-pieces) see the normal MK2 version.
All parts are designed to print on bambulab build volume(WxDxH) 256 x 256 x 256 mm³.
Only the Y-pieces are not compatable with the Prusa build plate.
Part 1 of the build video is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCNDPIjRccw
Part 2 of the build video is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7K9fEa8Re8
The MK2 base version is designed for 6" Clear PVC = https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NJLNW58?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
EU alternative Acrylic tube 150x3mm (real size 151x3.5mm)= https://www.kunststofforte.nl/product/transparante-acrylaat-buizen-xt/
UK alternative Acrylic tube 150x3mm (real size 150.05x3.1mm)= https://plasticonline.co.uk/150mm-diameter-clear-acrylic-tube.html
O-ring MK2 = https://www.kramp.com/shop-de/de/p/o-ring-140-x-3--OR1403P001
O-Ring MK2_EU = https://www.kramp.com/shop-de/de/p/o-ring-120-x-3--OR1203P001
Collection container = Festool VAB-20/1 part nr. 204294 (204295 in my case because its a pack of 3).
(For US: $79.60 set of 3 - Free shipping: https://www.hartvillehardware.com/product/sku-1337339/festool-dust-extractors-accessories)
Compresion tape: 50 mm x 30 m x 3mm version of this tape: https://bluedolphintapes.com/product/acoustic-tape/
3D printable Systainer T-Loc: https://www.printables.com/model/313989-systainer-t-loc
Inspired by Pilson Guitars build projectYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4R9GfCQrW4&
Github: https://github.com/pilsonguitars/centrifugalDustSeparator
06-10-2024: Prusa printable Y-pieces added to folder MK2/STEP
29-09-2024: Changed the README file to better explain the differend design folder.
28-09-2024: I did find out that a normal nut won't lock the impeller assembly for the long run. PLA will shrink/compress over time, and loosens the nut. Use a spring washer & lock nut instead!
14-09-2024: Added the REV2 files of the Y-pieces + brackeds. They need less material to print now by removing the needs for support. Thx @philreindl for the tip!
11-09-2024: In the folder MK2_EU I added the Shaper files (.svg and also the .DXF's) and the Fusion archive files (.f3d) of the baseplate and cleat.
08-09-2024: Parts for the French Cleats added. Fusion file is in the making. Type of compresion tape added.
05-09-2024: Parts for the T-Loc added. Note: I did not print the latch and latch cover (these are just the 3D STEP files I used for the design, feel free to try to 3D print them)
24-08-2024: MK2_EU Inlet and outlet parts adjusted for a better O-ring seal/fit for the 120x3mm O-rings.
19-08-2024: Added 120x3mm O-rings i switced to while building the EU version. Still need to change the parts for a better fit. Will make testprints for this in the next weeks.
10-08-2024: Added BAMBU LAB and OrcaSlicer files to MK2_UK.
07-08-2024: MK2_UK Step Files added for UK version Tube. Not printed of tested yet.
07-08-2024: MK2_EU files added for EU alternative. Not tested jet.
02-08-2024: OrcaSlicer file from mirrored impeller added.
01-08-2024: All .3fm files are available now. Also added all the .stl-files.
29-07-2024: To solve issues with print imperfections on the mirrored impeller; Use the open-source OrcaSlicer and set the wall loop direction to clockwise. Thx @Mik3503 for the tip! (*Go to the GitHub page, scroll down to the assets section and download the latest release compatible with your operating system, and then install it)
21-07-2024: Folder BAMBU LAB added with the .3mf files for Bambu Lab. Added the impeller and impeller-mirror and fixed the Non-manifold edges error. (Working on the other .3fm files to add)