
Web page with basic examples showing how to use makie in julia

MIT LicenseMIT

Beautiful Makie


Web page with basic examples showing how to use makie in julia.

Some guidance on how to dev this locally:

npm install -D vitest


npm i

if a package*.json file is provided. Also you will need vitepress

npm add -D vitepress

Generating files

For this you should have julia installed in your computer.

Then cd into the docs folder and activate and instantiate the env there:

pkg> activate .
pkg> instantiate

then do

julia> include("gen_mds.jl")


julia> include("make.jl")

these step will generate all files needed in order to build the site, you could serve/build/preview it by doing

BeautifualMakie $ npm run docs:dev
BeautifualMakie $ npm run docs:build


BeautifualMakie $ npm run docs:preview