
Could Tyler support scrollable and zoomable animated maps?

alex-s-gardner opened this issue · 7 comments

Thinking about how the Julia Geo ecosystem could wow other communities, I was wondering if it could be possible to create interactive (scrollable and zoomable) animated maps. For example is there a way to make the "Whale shark example trajectory" interactive?

the "Whale shark example trajectory" is interactive!

#record(m.figure, joinpath("assets", "whale_shark_128786.mp4")) do io
    for i in 2:steps
        push!(trail[], points[i])
        whale[] = points[i]
        trail[] = trail[]
#        recordframe!(io)  # record a new frame

fair enough, you'll need to comment out that part.

No... surely not... isn't it saving frame by frame... I'll go check it out

fair enough, you'll need to comment out that part. But that's all that is needed.

Damn... I'll need to make a post for this... this is a super cool feature that would not be trivial t odo with your own data in something like leaflet.

You can also use Tyler with a DynamicGrids.jl simulation over the top, with input from MakieDraw.jl controling it!

All interactive and zoomable and fast. There is going to be so many bling animations...

@rafaqz do you have an example that uses DynamicGrids.jl and MakieDraw.jl ?

Not with Tyler, just GLMakie (see the MakieDraw readme) but it works just the same with Tyler.

I'll make one soon hopefully.

(The actual makie interop is not merged yet for DynamicGrids)