- 2
- 2
Zoom in not respecting vertical mouse position
#66 opened by rafaqz - 2
- 4
Google 3d tiles
#50 opened by lazarusA - 2
Example conceals points on zoom
#109 opened by jademackay - 8
- 7
TagBot trigger issue
#45 opened by JuliaTagBot - 3
Advanced Provider with heavy dependencies
#94 opened by SimonDanisch - 0
Requirements for Tyler on the sphere
#92 opened by asinghvi17 - 3
[Feature Idea] Scalebar that adjust on zoom
#88 opened by lupemba - 4
Tyler throws error when using CairoMakie
#24 opened by alex-s-gardner - 0
Making Tyler generically available
#84 opened by asinghvi17 - 0
increase label sizes
#79 opened by lazarusA - 4
Tyler doesn't work with WGLMakie
#43 opened by igaszczesniak - 2
Make it work with GeoAxis
#77 opened by felixcremer - 0
suppress globally warning downloads
#73 opened by lazarusA - 0
Use `GeoInterface.extent` and `` to set tyler map extent to any compatible object
#68 opened by rafaqz - 3
Tyler.Map fails occasionally in VS Code
#62 opened by felixcremer - 1
- 1
Add compat bounds for dependencies
#57 opened by felixcremer - 6
Path to generic plots with GeoInterface
#54 opened by evetion - 4
- 0
Fade in opacity of tile plots as they load
#49 opened by rafaqz - 0
Never delete z=0, z=1, even z=2 tile plots
#48 opened by rafaqz - 1
- 7
Tyler + GridLayout throws error
#46 opened by alex-s-gardner - 1
Use of non global tiles
#44 opened by felixcremer - 2
- 3
- 0
- 3
Map should accept Extent as rect input
#20 opened by alex-s-gardner - 7
- 0
Load tiles under cursor first
#21 opened by rafaqz - 11
provider CartoDB doesn't work
#28 opened by lazarusA - 21
Can Tyler support other projections?
#25 opened by alex-s-gardner - 0
make it work with WGLMakie
#26 opened by lazarusA - 4
Use figure resulution to choose zoom level
#17 opened by rafaqz - 2
- 0
Support protobuf tiles
#14 opened by rafaqz - 1
TODO Features
#5 opened by lazarusA - 1