Android Studio Tips

List of tips for android studio



You know that you can create bookmarks to some file lines in Android Studio?

  • Ctrl + Shift + 0: Create bookmark with 0.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Create bookmark with 1.
  • Ctrl + 0: Go to bookmark 0.
  • Cmd + F3: show all bookmarks.


Word selection (like Sublible cmd+d):

  • Ctrl + g: select next word with same chars.
  • Cmd + g: skip word.

Select per block:

  • Alt + Up: going up
  • Alt + Down: going down


  • Cmd + space: normal autocompletion
  • Cmd + Shift + space: smart autocompletion (just objects with same type for ex)



In Android Studio search Help/Edit Custom VM Options and put:


# heap - default value is 256m

# Max size memory allocation pool - default value is 1280m

# defaul max value is 350m 

# use more memory but fast application.