
A lightweight library to make querying the DOM and creating elements that little bit easier

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Making Stuffs Queries

Tests Build Release

A simple lightweight library to make DOM querying and manipulation a little less laborious. The main purpose of this library is to save time from having to write out document.someKindOfFunction every time you wish to interact with the DOM.

In order to add this functionality to a simple static webpage simply include the build file in the dist folder, or clone the repo and rebuild the files yourself.

To add the library to your npm project simply run npm i -D making-stuffs-queries.

I will continue adding to this repo as, and when, I create new functions which I think are beneficial. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs please feel free to report them or make a pull request.

Anyway, here are some examples:


Replaces document.querySelector() and takes two optional arguments:

  1. A selector (typeof string), to be used as you would use the standard syntax for document.querySelector. Defaults to body.

  2. An element (typeof HTMLElement), to be passed if you wish to query a specific element. Defaults to document.

Example 1: Calling an Element with a Class of 'example'

const example = msQuery('.example');

Example 2: Calling an Element with an ID of 'example'

const example = msQuery('#example');

Example 3: Calling an Element with a href of 'github.com'

const example = msQuery('[href="github.com"]');

Example 4: Calling the First <div></div> on the Page

const example = msQuery('div');


Replaces document.querySelectorAll() and takes one optional argument:

  1. A selector (typeof string), to be used as you would with the standard syntax for document.querySelectorAll. Defaults to a.

Example 1: Get all elements with a class of 'test'

const elemList = msQueryAll('.test');


Replaces the default document.createElement() function and takes two optional arguments:

  1. An element tagName (typeof string), used as you would use the standard syntax for the document.createElement() function. Defaults to div.

  2. An object containing attributes in a key/value pair system (typeof object). To be used as if each key/value pair is being fed into the setAttribute() function.

If you would like to add hyphenated attributes to the created element, such as data attributes, you need to add them with an underscore. For example, if you wished to add data-index attribute you would pass an object in the second argument with the following: { data_index: 'an index' }.

If you would like to set some content for the newly created element you can do so by simply adding an innerHTML key to the object passed for the second parameter. For example, to create a <h1></h1> element with a title of Hey you would add the following to your options object: { innerHTML: 'Hey' }.

Example 1: Create a <div></div> with a class of 'test'

const elem = msCreate(null, { class: 'test' });

Example 2: Create an anchor link with a href of 'github.com', data-role of 'button', class of 'test', and content of 'Anchor link'

const link = msCreate('a', { href: 'github.com', data_role: 'button', class: 'test', innerHTML: 'Anchor Link' });


Replaces the default document.append() and takes two arguments:

  1. Either an element (typeof HTMLElement) or an array of elements which are to be appended to the parent. Required.

  2. An element (typeof HTMLElement) to which the provided child nodes will be appended. If no argument is provided the function will default to document.body

Example 1: Append an array of elements to the document body

msAppend([element1, element2]);

Example 2: Append an array of elements to a provided parent

msAppend([element1, element2], parentElement);

Example 3: Append a single element to the document body


Example 4: Append a single element to a passed parent element

msAppend(childElement, parentElement);