Hook to Clash Of Clans API in C# .NET

Primary LanguageC#

Build Status


Wrapper to Clash Of Clans API in C# .NET

How to use:

Downoload this project and build it. Add to your application reference to CocNET.dll In your application add:

using CocNET;
using CocNET.Interfaces;

[Example] Paste this code:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string token = "your token";
        Container container = CocCore.Instance(token).Container;

        ICocCoreLeagues leaguesCore = container.Resolve<ICocCoreLeagues>();
        var leagues = leaguesCore.GetLeagues("crystal");
        foreach (var eachLeague in leagues)
        // Same with:
        // - ICocCoreLocations
        // - ICocCorePlayers
        // - ICocCoreClans

Clash Of Clans API Forum

Last reply in thread: http://forum.supercell.net/showthread.php/1017616-Clash-of-Clans-developer-website-now-live%21?p=6934363&viewfull=1#post6934363