
Training and educational resources to learn spatial databases


Training and educational resources to learn spatial databases By Marynia Kolak

Workshop Slides

Please note: this is a work in progress!

1. Installation

Lab 1. Spatial Infrastructure Initialization, Part 1

This lab guides you through the process of software installation required to build the Open Spatial Infrastructure we’ll be using throughout the course. Instructions provided for Mac and Windows systems; Ubuntu also available upon request. All of the instructions following already assume you have an OS or Windows system running on your machine. You can also use a VirtualBox or Docker environment for your system.

By the end of this lab you will:

  • Install software and packages from the command line
  • Identify core components of an open spatial infrastructure
  • Initialize a spatial database successfully

Tips: PostGres/POSTGIS Troubleshooting

Jumpstart your first spatial datbasse!

  • Read through Chapter 1 in the PostGis in Action text. Work through the fast food dataset example.
  • Download relevant data from text Appendix.
  • Download relevat sourcecode from Appendix.

2. Visualize Big Spatial Data

Lab 2. Spatial Infrastructure Initialization, Part 2

This lab guides you through the process of software installation required to build the Open Spatial Infrastructure we’ll be using throughout the course.

By the end of this lab you will:

  • Enable and load a spatial database
  • Import detailed data that models a major metro area
  • Filter, style, and visualize complex spatial data as new map tiles

3. Develop spatial db ETL workflows

Lab 3. Spatial Database Generation using Automated Data Processing

At the end of this lab you’ll be able to:

  • Be familiar with General Transit Feed Service (GTFS) data
  • Read CSV and SHP to a pg database using automated data processing techniques
  • Add POSTGIS layers to QGIS for mapping and analysis

4. Intro to DB querying

Lab 4. pg/POSTGIS Query practices

At the end of this lab you’ll be able to:

  • Run basic non-spatial and spatial queries in Postgres
  • Troubleshoot SRS issues and transform datasets as needed in POSTGIS
  • Spatially join tables on-the-fly in POSTGIS

5. Basics of Location Analysis

Lab 5. Buffers and Location Analysis Basics

At the end of this lab you’ll be able to:

  • Review and fine-tune on-the-fly datastore queries in pgAdmin and OpenJump
  • Conduct a buffer analysis at scale using POSTGIS
  • Use POSTGIS and pgsql queries for basic location analysis