
Generate logging, tracing and monitoring Go interface implementations

Primary LanguageGo


Gentools provides a collection of tools that help by generating Go interface implementations that add monitoring, logging and tracing.


In order to install all tools run:

go get -u github.com/Bo0mer/gentools/cmd/...

Using mongen

Given a path to a package and an interface name, you could generate monitoring implementation of the interface.

package service

import "context"

type Service interface {
    DoWork(context.Context, int, string) (string, error)
$ mongen path/to/service Service
Wrote monitoring implementation of "path/to/service.Service" to "path/to/service/servicews/monitoring_service.go"

Using monitoring implementation in your program

Instantiate monitoring implementations with NewMonitoring{InterfaceName}:

var svc Service = service.New()
svc = servicemws.NewMonitoringService(svc, totalOps, faildOps, opsDuration)

Using logen

Given a path to a package and an interface name, you could generate logging implementation of the interface. ATM only error logging is supported.

Using tracegen

Given a path to a package and an interface name, you could generate tracing implementation of the interface. Tracing will be added only to methods that take a context.Context as a first argument. All other methods will be proxied to the original implementation, without any modifications or additions.

Integration with go generate

The best way to integrate the tools within your project is to use the go:generate directive in your code.

$ cat path/to/service/file.go
package service

import "context"

//go:generate mongen . Service
//go:generate tracegen . Service
//go:generate logen . Service

type Service interface {
	DoWork(context.Context, int, string) (string, error)
$ go generate ./...
Wrote monitoring implementation of "path/to/service.Service" to "servicemws/monitoring_service.go"
Wrote tracing implementation of "path/to/service.Service" to "servicemws/tracing_service.go"
Wrote logging implementation of "path/to/service.Service" to "servicemws/logging_service.go"


  • Special thanks to Momchil Atanasov and his awesome project gostub, which code was used as a starting point for developing gentools v2.