
GoMiGen - Go Middleware Generator

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Go Middleware Generator

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This tool can generate a generic middleware, that injects hooks around the invocations of given interface' methods.

This tool is heavily inspired by gentools and counterfeiter


The generated middleware wraps around another implementation of the same interface and calls specific hooks at specific points of the execution.

Given the following interface and go:generate command

//go:generate go run github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/cmd/gomigen . Interface
type Interface interface {
    ProcessOne(string) (string, error)
    ProcessTwo(context.Context, int) bool

running go:generate will produce the following middleware:


The generated struct implements the Interface

type InterfaceMiddleware struct {
	next interfaces.Interface
	hook types.Hook


The middleware constructor wraps another implementation of that interface and also accepts a hook implementation, that will be called when a method of this middleware is called.

func NewInterfaceMiddleware(next interfaces.Interface, hook types.Hook) *InterfaceMiddleware {
	return &InterfaceMiddleware{
		next: next,
		hook: hook,


Each generated method calls the OnEntry hook method, then calls the wrapped Interface implementation and finally calls the OnExit hook method.

Depending on the wrapped method's signature the generated middleware method's implementation varies:

func (mw *InterfaceMiddleware) ProcessOne(arg0 string) (string, error) {
	methodInfo := types.MethodInfo{
		Package:   "<full-package-path>",
		Interface: "Interface",
		Method:    "ProcessTwo",

	// ProcessOne doesn't accept context so one is created
	ctx := context.Background()

	ctx = mw.hook.OnEntry(ctx, methodInfo)
	res0, res1 := mw.next.ProcessOne(arg0)
	// ProcessOne returns an error as last return parm and it's passed to the OnExit hook
	mw.hook.OnExit(ctx, methodInfo, res1)
	return res0, res1

func (mw *TwoMethodsWithArgAndReturnMiddleware) ProcessTwo(arg0 context.Context, arg1 int) bool {
	methodInfo := types.MethodInfo{
		Package:   "<full-package-path>",
		Interface: "Interface",
		Method:    "ProcessTwo",

	// ProcessTwo accepts a context and it is used
	ctx := arg0

	ctx = mw.hook.OnEntry(ctx, methodInfo)
	res0 := mw.next.ProcessTwo(ctx, arg1)
	// ProcessTwo doesn't return an error type so OnExit always receives nil
	mw.hook.OnExit(ctx, methodInfo, nil)
	return res0

All hook methods accept a Context they can extract values from as well as MethodInfo, containing information about the method being invoked.

If the Interface method accepts a context.Context as its first parameter it will be passed to all hooks and the wrapped method. If the first parameter is not a context, a context.Background() context will be instantiated and passed to all hook methods instead.


OnEntry(context.Context, MethodInfo) context.Context

This hook method is called just before the wrapped method is invoked.

It returns a context that is passed to the OnExit hook methods as well as to the wrapped method (if it accepts a context as its first argument). Hook implementations can use this to store and communicate values within a method call context (e.g. span start/end, processing duration etc.)


OnExit(context.Context, MethodInfo, error)

This hook method is called right after the wrapped method returns. If the wrapped method's last return parameter is of type error it is passed to the OnExit method. If not - the error parameter is set to nil.


Generating the Middleware

Command line

go run github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/cmd/gomigen . InterfaceName

The destination directory where the generated package with the middleware will be saved can be provided as an optional parameter.

go run github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/cmd/gomigen -out ../mw . InterfaceName

The generated file will import this module's types packages so make sure to add that package to the tools.go file (see below).

Go Generate

Simply inject a go:generate comment like the following:

//go:generate go run github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/cmd/gomigen . InterfaceName

and then run go generate in your project's root folder.

Don't forget to underscore-import the package to the tools.go to lock its version and ensure it's available when go generate is called.


import (
	// contains the executable code that does the middleware generation.
    _ "github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/cmd/gomigen"
	// contains the types, needed by the generated middleware for compilation.
    _ "github.com/Makpoc/gomigen/types"


  • Support extracting a context from http.Request parameter
  • Support the model counterfeiter uses with a custom //<tool>:generate declaration for faster execution.
  • Create a package with hooks for error logging, monitoring and tracing.
  • Optionally expose an argument to generate a template that doesn't need to import the types package
    • The hooks interface can be inlined
    • MethodInfo can be turned into a map[string]string