doSymetrixMatrix(matrix, transp)
- It takes in the input matrix and makes it symmetric for the non-directional graph, if flag transp is true transponate matrix
- places the vertices of the graph in the form of a triangle, where n is the number of vertices
findCoords(from, to, directed, arrowRadius)
- Searches for the coordinates of the exit and entrance of the rib, depending on whether it is strained
drawArrowhead(ctx, from, to, arrowRadius)
- Draws the head of the arrow depending on where and where it is directed
drawArrow(from, to, directed, arrowRadius)
- Draws an arrow from the specified point to the end, or the line if the graph is not directional
drawCircle(from, directed)
- Draws a loop depending on whether the graph is strained or not
evasion(from, to, event, directed, arrowRadius)
- The main function that draws the edges, calculates the bypass paths depending on the event
checkOne(from, to, side)
- A function that checks for vertices on one side of a triangle
check(from, to)
- Function that returns an event for the function evasion, depending on the location of 2 vertices
edge(matrix, directed)
- A function that takes a matrix as input and, relative to the matrix, transfers corresponding vertices in the cycle to the evasion
- A function that takes the inputs of massmills of degrees, displays them depending on the type of graph, and analyzes the graph for hanging vertices, isolated vertices and homogeneity