Simple Docker, Kubernetes & Jenkins task

Before tasks

If you have GitLab account

Fork this project by clicking

If you have GitHub account

Follow this article to copy the project to your Github.

Doing the lab requires you to know how to use Git :)



  1. Install Docker by following this link: Docker Install
  2. Install MicroK8S
  3. Enable MicroK8s addons:
# You need to provide a valid IP range in your local network.
# Can be as few as 1, but better to have some to spare
# Following IP range is for an example.
microk8s enable dns registry metallb:
  1. Configure insecure registry access for Docker as described in this dockumentation


  1. Install Docker by following this link: Docker Install
  2. Install K3S
curl -sfL | sh -s - --write-kubeconfig-mode 644


  1. You should already have Docker for Mac
  2. Install kubectl


  1. You should already have Docker for Windows
  2. Install kubectl


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Change to directory
cd k8s-simple-task
  1. Apply already provided manifests
# Ubuntu
microk8s kubectl apply -f ./k8s
# Centos
k3s kubectl apply -f ./k8s
# Mac & Windows
kubectl apply -f ./k8s
  1. Wait up to 5 minutes (depending on your internet and pc it might take some time to start) and check if everything is working. In the terminal write:
# I will simply write kubectl, you need a prefix for your environment
kubectl port-forward svc/backend 8080:8080

Leave this terminal working, and OPEN A NEW TERMINAL (or use your browser). In new terminal run:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/books

If everything is fine yo should see a list of books.

Task 1: Docker & K8s


First, write a Docker file for express-fe application.

Create account on Docker Hub. Go to Security and create a new access token. Follow the instructions to login your Docker to Docker Hub.

Note: Make sure you save the token if you will do the Jenkins part

Tag the image with your docker hub repository, e.g. dmytro/express-fe. Example

K8s manifests

Write a frontend-deployment.yaml. Remember that express-fe needs some environment variables set. Check its readme. Example

Write a frontend-service.yaml. For Ubuntu it can be LoadBalancer, for others - NodePort. Example

Apply these manifests and try to check if the Express works.

kubectl apply -f ./k8s
# Get the services
kubectl get svc

For Ubuntu check loadbalancer ip and visit it, for example:

For other OS, check node port and visit it, for example: localhost:32758/api-docs

Task 2: Jenkins

You need to have a local K8s Cluster created (using Docker for Desktop, Microk8s, k3s, etc.). You need to have kubectl installed (not covered here).

cd jenkins
# Wait 5 minutes
export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace jenkins jenkins --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{ . }}{{ end }}")
echo http://$SERVICE_IP:80/login

Running previous commands ill create a playground with Jenkins Controller configured using Jenkins Configuration as Code with access to K8S cluster. Login: admin Password: verysecret

DockerHub credentials

After creating Jenkins deployment - create DockerHub credentials secret using the script.

./ -u "vasya" -p "your-dockerhub-token-or-password"


Write missing pieces of Jenkinsfile. Mainly:

  • "testing" the application
  • Deploying the application
  • Testing the deployment using curl :)


kubectl delete -f ./k8s
kubectl delete ns jenkins


All i need is a link to your Github/Gitlab project in Classroom.