
simple and lightweight framework to improve Express JS MVC's architecture

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Express Simple MVC

Very simple and lightweight framework to improve Express JS MVC's architecture written in CoffeeScript. It provides a simple way to create models and controllers with an object-oriented approach (CoffeeScript).

How to install

npm install express-simple-mvc

How it works

Create your express application as usual and use the "simple_mvc" function and pass the path to the controllers, models and routes directories.

express      = require 'express'
{simple_mvc} = require 'express-simple-mvc'
require 'namespace'

app = express()
app.listen 3000

app.configure ->
  app.use express.methodOverride()
  app.use app.router

simple_mvc app, __dirname + '/controllers', __dirname + '/models', __dirname + '/config/routes'

You must configure your application before using simple_mvc. You'll also need a namespace pattern for coffeescript, you can install it with npm install

Create a directory called "config" with a file called "routes" inside. Define your routes (inspired by Play! Framework), for example :

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~

GET       /                    controllers.Players.index

GET       /players             controllers.Players.index
GET       /players/new         controllers.Players.new
GET       /player/:id          controllers.Players.show
GET       /player/:id/edit     controllers.Players.edit
POST      /players             controllers.Players.create
PUT       /player/:id          controllers.Players.update
DELETE    /player/:id          controllers.Players.delete

Create a models and a controllers directory with a Players controller and a Player model. For example, simple CRUD (don't forget the namespace)

namespace controllers:

  class Players

    # Import Player model from models namespace
    {Player} = models

    # GET /players
    @index: (req, res) ->
      Player.all (players) ->
        res.send players

    # GET /player/:id
    @show: (req, res) ->
      Player.read req.params.id, (player) ->
        res.send player

    # GET /players/new
    @new: (req, res) ->
      res.render 'newForm'

    # GET /player/:id/edit
    @edit: (req, res) ->
      Player.read req.params.id, (player) ->
        res.render 'editForm'
          player: player

    # POST /players
    @create: (req, res) ->
      Player.create req.param('player'), ->
        res.send 'New player successfully created !'

    # PUT /player/:id
    @update: (req, res) ->
      Player.update req.params.id, req.param('player'), ->
        res.send "Player #{req.param('id')} successfully updated !"

    # DELETE /player/:id
    @delete: (req, res) ->
      Player.delete req.params.id, ->
        res.send "Player #{req.param('id')} successfully deleted !"

And the for the model (I use mongoose here, but you can adapt it)

mongoose = require 'mongoose'

namespace models:

  class Player

    @schema =
      pseudo: String
        type: Number
        default: 0
        type: Number
        default: 0

    @model = mongoose.model 'Player', new mongoose.Schema @schema

    @all: (cb) ->
      @model.find null, (err, docs) ->
        if err then throw err
        cb docs

    @create: (doc, cb) ->
      new @model(doc).save (err) ->
        if err then throw err
        do cb

    @read: (_id, cb) ->
      @model.findById _id, (err, doc) ->
        if err then throw err
        cb doc

    @update: (_id, doc, cb) ->
      @model.findByIdAndUpdate _id, doc, (err) ->
        if err then throw err
        do cb

    @delete: (_id, cb) ->
      @model.findByIdAndRemove _id, (err) ->
        if err then throw err
        do cb

And that's all ! Looks difficult ? Have a look at the source code in /src (only about 20 lines !) or run the example.