1. Install Geth: Download and install Geth:

  2. Init node 1:

geth --datadir node1 init genesis.json
  1. Run bootnode:
bootnode -nodekey boot.key -addr :30305
  1. Run node
  1. Connect to node:

Full Configuration

Step-1: Create Accounts for Each Node

You'll need separate folders for each node in your network to keep their data isolated.

mkdir node1 node2

Each node needs an account to participate in the network. Here's how to create one for Node 1. Repeat for Node 2 using its folder.

geth --datadir node1 account new
geth --datadir node2 account new

You'll be prompted to create a password. Save them to the password.txt file for each node.

Step-2: Prepare the Genesis File

The genesis file is like the first page of your private blockchain.

Here's a simplified genesis.json you can use:

  "config": {
    "chainId": 123454321,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "clique": {
      "period": 15,
      "epoch": 30000
  "difficulty": "1",
  "gasLimit": "8000000",
  "extradata": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<PUBLIC-KEY-HERE>0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "A950a6fdA35d8422539C65Cd7B37016f974764B2": { "balance": "1000000000000000000" },

In extradata, you'll add the address of your Node 1 account without 0x prefix and surrounded by zeros on each side.

Step-3. Initialize Each Node with the Genesis Block

Run the following command for each node.

geth --datadir node1 init genesis.json
geth --datadir node2 init genesis.json

Step-4: Start the Bootnode

The next step is to configure a bootnode. This can be any node, but for this tutorial the developer tool bootnode will be used to quickly and easily configure a dedicated bootnode. First the bootnode requires a key, which can be created with the following command, which will save a key to boot.key:

bootnode -genkey boot.key

This key can then be used to generate a bootnode as follows:

bootnode -nodekey boot.key -addr :30305

Set enode from the console output into scripts

Step-5: Connect Nodes

In and set bootnodes, unlock, miner.etherbase.

Run nodes by running scripts in separate terminals.

Step-7: Verify the Connection

To verify Node 2 is connected to Node 1, attach a console to Node 2:

geth attach

Then check the peer count:


If everything is set up correctly, you should see 1, indicating that Node 2 is connected to one peer (Node 1).


You've successfully set up a private Ethereum network using the Clique consensus algorithm. You can connect to the node using Metamask - use