
Simple game based on SDL2, OpenGL (Linux, Windows)

Primary LanguageC++

Slot game

Simple slot machine game based on SDL2. Render implemented on OpenGL.




  • CMake
  • Any compiler for CMake
  • libsdl2-dev, libsdl2-ttf-dev, libsdl2-image-dev (only Linux), freeglut3-dev (if not in system Linux)

Build on Windows

   * git clone https://github.com/GermanAizek/octavius-game.git
   * cd octavius-game
   * mkdir build
   * cd build
   * cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" (in -G parameter select your compiler)
   * Open octavius-game.sln in build directory
   * Select "Debug" or "Release" build mode and build solution
   * run the script "copy_resources_*_*.bat" to copy resources by choosing your build mode and architecture
   * run octavius.exe in build directory
   * Profit!

Build on Linux

   * sudo apt install cmake libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev freeglut3-dev g++
   * git clone https://github.com/GermanAizek/octavius-game.git
   * cd octavius-game
   * mkdir build
   * cd build
   * cmake .. -G "Ninja" (in -G parameter select your compiler)
   * ninja
   * copy gamedata folder from res to build directory
   * run ./octavius in build directory
   * Profit!