
Install tools

How to generate code

  • Generate SQL CRUD with sqlc:
make sqlc
  • Generate DB mock with gomock:
make mock

How to run

  1. Setup config parameters in app.env.

  2. Generate SQL CRUD with sqlc:

make sqlc
  1. Run docker-compose:
docker-compose up
  1. Make migrations:
make migrateup
  1. Use curl examples to test api. Create new user account first, then perform operations.
  • Run test:
make createtestdb
make migratetestup
make test

Curl examples

Create account

curl -d '{"owner":"test user 1", "currency":"USD"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://wallet.app.loc:8080/accounts

Deposit Operation

curl -d '{"user_id":1, "amount":200, "currency":"USD", "description": "add some money"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://wallet.app.loc:8080/deposits

Withdrawal Operation

curl -d '{"user_id":1, "amount":20, "currency":"USD", "description": "withdrawal operation"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://wallet.app.loc:8080/withdrawals

Get balance (GET request - /balance/{user_id})

curl -X GET http://wallet.app.loc:8080/balance/1

Get list of transactions

curl -X GET "http://wallet.app.loc:8080/transactions?start_date=2021-01-01&stop_date=2021-07-19&page_id=1&page_size=10"