Technologies :
- Languages:
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Front End:
- Bootstrap
- Database:
- Xampp Local Server
- Design Pattern:
- Before Registration you can see different products and sections.
- You can see specific product.
- But you can`t add to Cart/Buy any product before registration or loggin.
- After correct filling registration form user will be added to MySQL Data Base
You can:
- Add Products to cart.
- Buy Products.
- Remove products from Cart.
- Edit Profile.
- Change Password.
P.S Ofcourse by this actions , changes will occur data base.
Administrator can:
- Use all actions that logged user can do.
Specific Administrator actions
- Add Products to Store.
- Edit Product information
- Remove Product from Store.
- See custumer information
- See sale Statistic
- See all Orders
Value Tax/Discount
- Change Value Tax.
- Add/Change Discount
Create PDF file of Products/Customers/Orders
P.S Ofcourse all action changes will occur data base.
public function registerAction()
if (empty($_POST) === false) {
if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
//Function Checking if customer with entered
// user name or emalil exists in Data Base.
$message = $this->checkIfExists($_POST['userName'], $_POST['email']);
//Message that user Already exist.
if ($message != "")
//Registrating a new Customer and Adding him to Data Base.
else {
$cst = $this->customerCreate();
if (empty($_POST) === false) {
$controller = $vars['controller'];
if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
//check if customer with entered user name or emalil exists in data base
$message = $controller->checkIfExists($_POST['userName'], $_POST['email']);
if ($message != "")
else {
$cst = $controller->customerCreate();
- Install XAMPP Control Panel.
- Put into folder XAMPP->htdocs the Folder with Project (SafeRideStore).
- Start XAMPP
- Open PhpMyAdmin Server.
- Import the database-storedatabase6 From SQL DATA BASE folder to phpMyAdminServer.
- Before that you need to create empty DB with same name! and then import db from folder to empty created DB.
- charset - 'utf8'.
- Import the database-storedatabase6 From SQL DATA BASE folder to phpMyAdminServer.
- Run the project in browser,by entering in url line http://localhost/SafeRideStore/
You can change in project connection to specific Data Base.
- application->config->db.
You can see all code in github files.
Thank you for watching.