
My and my friend Final Project. Motorcycle clothing and accessories store. We created Project using MVC software design pattern, PHP,Html,Css,Bootstrap and MySQL Data Base.

Primary LanguagePHP

Safe Ride Store

About our Project.

Technologies :

  • Languages:
    • PHP
    • JavaScript
    • JQuery
  • Front End:
    • HTML5
    • CSS
    • Bootstrap
  • Database:
    • MySQL
    • Xampp Local Server
  • Design Pattern:
    • MVC

Main Page.

Main page Main

Before Registration.

  • Before Registration you can see different products and sections.

Riding Gear Sections Gear Brands Brands

Jackets Jackets

  • You can see specific product.

Helmet Helmet

  • But you can`t add to Cart/Buy any product before registration or loggin.


  • After correct filling registration form user will be added to MySQL Data Base

After Registration/Loggin.

  • You can:

    • Add Products to cart.
    • Buy Products.
    • Remove products from Cart.
    • Edit Profile.
    • Change Password.

    P.S Ofcourse by this actions , changes will occur data base.

Cart Cart

After loggin as Administrator.

Admin Panel Admin

  • Administrator can:

    • Use all actions that logged user can do.
  • Specific Administrator actions

    • Products

      • Add Products to Store.
      • Edit Product information
      • Remove Product from Store.
    • Customers

      • See custumer information
    • Orders.

      • See sale Statistic
      • See all Orders
    • Value Tax/Discount

      • Change Value Tax.
      • Add/Change Discount
  • Create PDF file of Products/Customers/Orders

Admin_Products Admin_Products

Admin_Discount Admin_Discount

P.S Ofcourse all action changes will occur data base.

A little bit Code.


 public function registerAction()
        if (empty($_POST) === false) {
            if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
                //Function Checking if customer with entered 
                // user name or emalil exists in Data Base.
                $message = $this->checkIfExists($_POST['userName'], $_POST['email']);
                //Message that user Already exist. 
                if ($message != "")
                //Registrating a new Customer and Adding him to Data Base.
                else {
                    $cst = $this->customerCreate();


if (empty($_POST) === false) {
    $controller = $vars['controller'];

    if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
        //check if customer with entered  user name or emalil exists in data base
        $message = $controller->checkIfExists($_POST['userName'], $_POST['email']);
        if ($message != "")
        else {
            $cst = $controller->customerCreate();

How to run the Project.

  • Install XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Put into folder XAMPP->htdocs the Folder with Project (SafeRideStore).
  • Start XAMPP
    • Apache.
    • MySql.
    • XAMPP
  • Open PhpMyAdmin Server.
    • Import the database-storedatabase6 From SQL DATA BASE folder to phpMyAdminServer.
      • Before that you need to create empty DB with same name! and then import db from folder to empty created DB.
      • charset - 'utf8'.
  • Run the project in browser,by entering in url line http://localhost/SafeRideStore/

You can change in project connection to specific Data Base.

  • application->config->db.

Created By Maks and Alex.

You can see all code in github files.
Thank you for watching.