
Sum all your currency savings based on Polish National Bank rates. Built using android-starter-2022.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Currency adder (sumator walutowy)

Android project, generated using Android Starter.

Demo file 1 Demo file 2


  • manage your savings in multiple currencies
  • see your total savings in any of the supported currency
  • authenticate only via biometrics - your savings are safe from third party access
  • by third party I mean everything - no analytics, tracking etc

If you don't believe my words, then just take a look at the codebase 😅 it is open-source after all.

Exchange rates are taken from National Polish Bank's API.

Libraries/concepts used

  • Gradle modularised project by features
  • The Clean Architecture with MVI pattern in presentation layer
  • Jetpack Compose with Material3 design - for UI layer
  • Kotlin Coroutines & Kotlin Flow - for concurrency & reactive approach
  • Kotlin Serialization converter - for JSON parsing
  • Retrofit - for networking
  • Hilt - for Dependency Injection pattern implementation
  • Room - for local database
  • Version Catalog - for dependency management
  • Timber - for logging
  • JUnit5, Turbine and MockK - for unit tests
  • Jetpack Compose test dependencies and Hilt - for UI tests
  • KtLint and Detekt - for code linting