Device Reader

Installation & Usage

Install gems

bundle install

Run a server

rails s

API Endpoints

Creates a device and readings. Returns newly created device.

POST http://localhost:3000/devices/

Return all devices

GET http://localhost:3000/devices/

Returns the cumulative-count for a given device ID

GET http://localhost:3000/devices/:id/cumulative-count

Returns the latest-timestamp

GET http://localhost:3000/devices/:id/latest-timestamp


The Device Reader project is fashioned after a conventional Ruby on Rails setup. This project leverages Ruby on Rails version 7.

The majority of the logic for this current iteration lies within the /model and /controller directories. There are a couple custom route declarations that can be found in /config/routes.rb

Next Steps

The next iteration of Device Reader would ideally see the following:

  • a robust testing layer
  • abstraction of logic out of the devices controller and moved into a concern layer or a services layer with something akin to a DeviceReaderService
  • Additional considerations would be data persistence and abstraction of existing error handling.
  • Observability would aid in monitoring reliability
  • A horizontal scaling approach would aid in availability of the service.