Task Manager Java is a Java Swing-based application that provides a user-friendly interface for managing tasks. With this application, users can organize their work effectively by adding, editing, and deleting tasks. The application also supports user authentication for secure access.
User Authentication: Users can securely log in to the application using their username and password.
Task Management: Users can perform various actions on tasks, including adding new tasks, editing existing ones, and deleting tasks.
Task Sorting: Tasks are sorted based on priority, making it easier to identify high-priority tasks.
File-based Persistence: The application stores tasks in a file named
, ensuring that task data persists across sessions.
- Programming Language: Java
- Framework: Java Swing
- Database: None (File-based Persistence)
- IDE: Apache NetBeans
To run the Task Manager Java application, you'll need to have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system. Follow these steps:
1. Clone the repository: git clone <https://github.com/MalaikaJunaid/task-manager>
2. Compile the Java source files: javac*.java
3. Run the application: java TM
1. Clone the repository: git clone <https://github.com/MalaikaJunaid/task-manager>
2. Open the project in NetBeans IDE.
3. Build and run the application using the IDE's built-in tools.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue in the repository.
When contributing to this project, please follow the existing code style and ensure that your changes are well-documented and thoroughly tested.
This project was developed as a semester project and was inspired by the need for an intuitive and efficient task management system. Special thanks to the Java Swing community, the NetBeans IDE team and Comsats University Islamabad for their valuable resources, tutorials, tools, and support.