
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Appwish architectural design

Appwish features map

This repository is created for knowledge sharing - if you wanna learn something about the project, look inside

All documents and guides related to the Appwish will be stored here.

Share your knowledge, contributor!

If you want to share anything that may be useful for other contributors working on Appwish, please open a pull request to this repository.

What do I mean by being useful?

Anything you use during the development that saves you time, like a bash script, cURL or trick you use in your IDE to make coding more fun or efficient.

How to share?

Simply create a folder and put your stuff inside! For example, if you share some fancy bash script, create folder scripts and put your bash file inside.

Why are pull requests necessary?

To keep things clean and organized! :)