
Repository for the material of https://www.udemy.com/course/understanding-typescript/ course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Strongly typed Javascript.



What is Typescript

  • JavaScript superset
  • Build upon JS and adds new features to it
  • can't be executed directly by the JS environment (browser, node)
  • is compiled to pure JS
  • TS features are compiled to JS "workarounds"
  • add types and type checking to the JS


Why typescript

What will happen?

function add(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + num2;

console.log(add("1", 2));


  • the console will log 12
  • will not throw runtime error
  • but might be a logical error
  • possible mitigation: validate & sanitize user input
  • wouldn't it be better to discover this during development?



  • types and type-checking
  • type-errors are discovered during compilation rather than runtime
  • great IDE support that prompts errors even before compilation
  • next-gen JS features compiled for older versions


  • adds non-JS features like Interfaces and Generics
  • adds meta-programming features like Decorators
  • early adoption of new ECMAScript features
  • rich configuration options
  • great support in 3rd party libs (either they are written in TS types for it are available)



  • more typing (in both meanings of the word)
  • adds compilation step to the workflow
  • can make building the project more complex

Getting started


Installing TS

  • requires node.js to be installed
  • install TS compiler with the following command
npm install -g typescript


Basic compilation

  • to compile single file once
tsc ${file.name}
  • to compile single file each time it changes
# short
tsc -w ${file.name}
# long
tsc --watch ${file.name}

Basic types


Core types, also known to JS

Type Descritption Example
number all numbers, no disctintion between integers and floats 10, 5.3
string all text values 'Hi, "Hi", `Hi`
boolean just true/false, no "truthy/falsy" JS nonsense true/false


Type Descritption Example
object Any JS object, more specific types can be defined {age: 30}
Array Any JS array, element types can be strict or flexible [1,2,3]


Core types, TS specific

Type Descritption Example
Tuple Fixed lenght and type array [1,2]
Enum Enumerated list of values enum{NEW,OLD}
Any Any type possible, disables type checking *


Type Description
Function Pointer to function
unknown When the incoming type is not known
never For functions that don't return (interrupted by error or infinite loop)

Using types


Type assigment

  • to assign type use the : ${type} syntax
// Variables
const number1: number = 1;
// Function parameters
const f1 = (par1: number, par2: string) => {};
// Function return value
const f2 = (n1, n2): nubmer => {};


Type inference

  • TS can infer the type from the context
  • it's considered bad practice to specify a type that can be inferred
let num1 = 1; //number
let someString = "abc"; //string


Specific object types

  • it is possible to specify object type with keys and type of their value:
const person: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
} = {
  name: "Malanius",
  age: 30,



  • fixed type arrays can be defined as ${type}[]
  • a flexible array can be defined as any[], but you lose type checking
const arr: string[];



  • tuple in TS is fixed length, fixed type array

  • TS check assignment to tuple array to have the correct type

  • it is still possible to push to tuple array

  • can be defined as:

const t: [nubmer, string] = [1, "string"];



  • works similar as you know from other languages
  • definition:
enum {
    NEW, //0
    OLD //1


  • it is possible to define custom ordinals
enum {
    NEW = 5, //5
    OLD //6


  • it is also possible to use a different type than numbers for ordinals
enum {
    NEW = 'NEW', //NEW
  • be careful with this, always have a good reason to do it


The "any" type

  • disables type checking
  • behaves as plain JS does
  • avoid whenever possible (why use TS when you have everything any?)
  • possible to configure compilation to mark use of any as error

More on typing


Union types

  • sometimes, you need to support multiple types in variable, this can be done with union types
  • defined as ${type} | ${type}...
  • example:
const combine = (input1: number | string, input2: number | string) => {};


Literal types

  • it is possible to add specific value instead of type
  • can be combined with union types to allow several values
const combine = (
  resultConversion: "as-number" | "as-text";
) => {}


Type aliases/custom types

  • it can be cumbersome to always repeat union types or other complex types
  • type aliases allow defining custom types that can be used later
  • possible to define an alias for type with type keyword
type Combinable = number | string;
type Person = {
  name: string,
  age: number;
const value: Combinable = 1;
const someone: Person = {...}


Function return type & void

  • each function has a return type, mostly it's inferred by TS
  • possible to define return type manually with specifying return types after parameters:
  • a function that doesn't return value has a void return type (in pure JS undefined is returned with return statement)
  • undefined is a valid type in TS, will require return in the function
const add = (n1: number, n2: number): number => {
  return n1 + n2;


Function type

  • used to specify that some variable should hold a function pointer
  • function types can be declared as well
let combineValues: (a: number, b: number) => number;
  • it is also possible to define type of callback function:
const addAndHandle = (n1: number, n2: number, cb: (num: number) => void) => {
  const result = n1 + n2;


The "unknown" type

  • useful in cases we don't exactly know what will be stored in the variable
  • more restrictive than any
  • prevents assigning unknown variables to typed ones without type-check
  • way better choice than any when input is not known before


let userInput: unknown;
let userName: string;

userInput = 5;
userInput = "String";

// userName = userInput; // won't work as unknown can't be assigned to string

//TS detects this check and allows assignment of the unknown type to string
if (typeof userInput === "string") {
  userName === userInput;


Never type

  • specifies that function doesn't return anything, even default undefined
  • useful when function always throws an error or has an infinite loop
const generateError = (message: string, code: number): never => {
  throw { message: message, errorCode: code };

TS compiler & configuration


Watch/Compile whole project

  • initialize TS project with tsc --init
  • this creates tsconfig.json file containing TS compilator configuration
  • now you can use tsc or tsc --watch to compile whole project


Including & Excluding files

  • in tsconfig.json you can specify files to be included or exluded in the compilation
  • exlude - paths in this list won't be compiled
  • include - only paths specified here will be compiled, can be filtered with exclude
  • exclude or include parameters in the configuration files takes a list of
    • files to be included/excluded
    • folder to be included/exluded
    • supports wildcard globbing


  • files - you can specify concere files to compile, no paths or globbing here


Compiler options

  • target - which version of JS the TS code should be compiled into
  • module - specifies how modules are generated (will be dealt with in own section)
  • lib
    • specify which default objects and features TS knows
    • defaults to target es and all DOM APIs for web browser


  • allowJS - allows JS files to be compiled by TS
  • checkJS - checks JS files for errors, but won't compile
  • jsx - specifies how to compile JSX for React


when building a lib to be used by others, you can include type definitions with it:

  • declaration - creates .d.ts files
  • declarationMap - generates source maps for .d.ts files


  • sourceMap - generates source map for debugging purposes


  • outFile
    • concatenate and emit output to single file
    • tricky to use properly, see here
  • rootDir - where the root of the source files is, typically src
  • outDir - where the compiled output should go, i.e. dist


  • noEmit - will not produce JS files, but still checks the TS files
  • noEmitOnError - will not produce compiled JS files when errors are present


Strict checks

  • strict - sets all strict options on/off
  • noImplicitAny - raise error when implicit any is present (the type is not specified)
  • strictNullChecks - requires checks for null for potentially nullable values


  • strictFunctionTypes - cheks for function types while inheriting
  • strictBindCallApply - strict check bind, call, apply functions assigments
  • strictPropertyInitialization - Ensure non-undefined class properties are initialized in the constructor


  • noImplicitThis - this impliead as any will cause error
  • alwaysStrict - generated JS files will always have "strict mode" ("use strict")


Additional checks

  • noUnusedLocals - reports unused local variables
  • noUnusedParameters - reports unused function parameters
  • noImplicitReturns - check if all code paths in function returns a value
  • noFallthroughCasesInSwitch - checks missing break statements in switch

TS & next-gen JS (ES6+)


ES6 Compability chart



let and const

  • const - constant value, can't be changed
  • let - variable value, changeable
  • difference between them and old var is in how the're scoped - var has only function or global scope, no local/block scope for it exists
  • compiled to var on target < ES6


Arrow functions

  • for the shorhand of one param fucntions, it is required to have type of the function and its params specified
  • compiled to function varibales on target < ES6


Default function parameters

  • default arguments has to be last on the list of arguments
  • compiled to workaroud that cheks for assigned value on target < ES6


Spread operator

  • useful for pulling values from arrays or copying objects
  • compiled to workarounds on target < ES6


Rest parameters

  • useful for crating functions with variable number of parameters
  • provided parameters are covnerted to array
  • can be combined with tuples if number of arguments is known before
  • compiled to workaround that collects the parameters to the array on target < ES6


Array & object destructuring

  • useful shorthand for pullign specific values from arrays or objects to varibales
  • doesn't change original value/object
  • compiled to workarounds using old approach on target < ES6



Advanced types



Modules & namespaces

TS & webpack

TS & 3rd party libs

TS & React

TS & node.js w/ Express

Useful resources