
AccountList Phonegap Plugin for Android

Primary LanguageJava

AccountList Phonegap Plugin for Android
This plugin allows you to obtain an array containing all the accounts configured on the device

Adding the Plugin to your project

    To install the plugin, copy accountlist.js to your project's www folder and include a reference to it in your html files.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="accountlist.js"></script>

    Create a folder called 'com/seltzlab/mobile' within your project's src folder and copy AccountList.java file into that new folder.

    Add a plugin line to res/xml/plugins.xml
    <plugin name="AccountList" value="com.seltzlab.com.AccountList" />

    Add a permission line to the AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
Using the plugin
            type: 'account type' // if not specified get all accounts
        function (result) {
            for (i in result) {
        function (error) {