
A comprehensive Javascript library which establishes a uniform interface that can be used to conduct common storage operations in ALL native client-side storage facilities introduced before and by HTML5, as well as popular external storage facilities, while maintaining the flexibility and options afforded to the user by each.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


BakedGoods is a comprehensive Javascript library which establishes a uniform interface that can be used to conduct common storage operations in ALL native client-side storage facilities introduced before and by HTML5, as well as popular external storage facilities, while maintaining the flexibility and options afforded to the user by each.

Specifically, the supported storage types are:

  • cookies
  • userData
  • webStorage (sessionStorage, localStorage, and globalStorage)
  • webSQL
  • indexedDB
  • HTML5 File System
  • Flash Locally Shared Objects
  • Silverlight Isolated Storage

Unlike many similar libraries:

  • Library agnostic
  • User-driven storage type selection process
  • Error handling
  • Batch processing
  • Cascading and pervasive operations
  • Conditional operations
  • Custom storage types
  • Custom storage operation functions
  • Data expiration capabilities provided for all storage types
  • Regeneration capabilities provided for all storage types

The code is well structured, easy to follow, and extensively commented for the benefit of developers seeking to increase familiarity with any of the supported facilities, as well as developers seeking to add homogeneous, functionality-extending code with ease.

How to use

BakedGoods provides five methods that can be used to conduct their namesake storage operations: set(), get(), remove(), getAll(), and removeAll().

All the methods take an object as an argument and utilize 3 properties in it:

  • Either:
    • data (for set(), get(), and remove()): An array consisting of data that will be the subject of the storage operation
    • filter (for getAll() and removeAll()): a String representation of an expression that, when evaluated using an arbitrary data item, must return true for that item to be subject to the operation (see "conditional operations" for more details)
  • storageTypes: An array consisting of Strings denoting the storage facilities the storage operation is to be conducted in
  • options: A object containing key-value pairs each consisting of a storage facility named in storageTypes and an object containing data that will collectively dictate how the storage operation is to be conducted in it
  • complete: A function to be called upon the conclusion of the storage operation


//Create objects containing operation preferences for each target storage facility. 
//These objects, and values defined in them are all optional; BakedGoods provides sensible defaults
var silverlightOptionsObj = {conduitClass: "IsolatedStorageFile", directoryPath: "/example_files"};
var fileSystemOptionsObj = {storageType: Window.PERSISTENT, size: 2048 * 2048, directoryPath: "/example_files"};
var optionsObj = {silverlight: silverlightOptionsObj, fileSystem: fileSystemOptionsObj};

//Without comments
	data: [{key: "key1", value: "val1"}, {key: "key2", value: "val2"}],
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem", "localStorage"],
	options: optionsObj,
	complete: function(byStorageTypeStoredKeysObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}

//With comments
	//Array of data items to store
	data: [{key: "key1", value: "val1"}, {key: "key2", value: "val2"}],
	//Array specifying the facilities the items are to be persisted in
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem", "localStorage"],
	//Object containing preferences for each subsidiary set() operation
	options: optionsObj,
	//Define a callback to be executed after completion
	//byStorageTypeStoredItemRangeDataObj:   Contains pairings each consisting of a target storage type
    //                                       and an object consisting of the bounds of the range of items in
    //                                       argObj.data successfully stored in the storage type by this operation
	//byStorageTypeErrorObj:                 Contains pairings each consisting of a storage type in which the 
    //                                       operation failed and the DOMError representing  the cause
	complete: function(byStorageTypeStoredItemRangeDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}


//Without comments
	data: ["key1", "key2"],
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	options: optionsObj,
	complete: function(totalProcessedItemCount, resultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}

//With comments
	//Array containing identifying metadata, and/or objects which contain identifying metadata, of the data items to be retrieved
	data: ["key1", "key2"],
	//Array specifying facilities items are located in
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	//We're retrieving the data items persisted in the set() example, use same optionsObj
	options: optionsObj,
	//Define a callback to be executed after completion
	//resultDataObj:            Contains pairings each consisting of a desired key and the item it keys in the first 
	//                          target storage facility it maps something in, or null if it wasn't found in any. If the
	//                          operation was disjoint, this will contain pairings each consisting of a storage type and
	//                          an object containing the data item key-value pairings procured from the it
	//byStorageTypeErrorObj:    See set() example for explanation
	complete: function(resultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}


//Without comments
	data: ["key1", "key2"],
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	options: optionsObj,
	complete: function(byStorageTypeRemovedItemKeysObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}

//With comments
	//Array containing identifying metadata, and/or objects which 
	//contain identifying metadata, of the data items to be removed
	data: ["key1", "key2"],
	//Array specifying facilities items are located in
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	//We're removing the data items persisted in the set() example, use same optionsObj
	options: optionsObj,
	//Define a callback to be executed after completion
	//byStorageTypeRemovedItemKeysObj:  Contains pairings each consisting of a target storage type
    //                                  and array of keys of items removed by this operation
	//byStorageTypeErrorObj:            See set() example for explanation
	complete: function(byStorageTypeRemovedItemKeysObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}


//Without comments
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	options: optionsObj,
	complete: function(byStorageTypeResultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}

//With comments
	//Array specifying facilities items are located in
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	//We're removing the data items persisted in the set() example, use same optionsObj
	options: optionsObj,
	/Define a callback to be executed after completion
	//byStorageTypeResultDataObj:   Contains pairings each consisting of a target storage type and an array of all
	//				                the data items in it (in the objects of the form {key: _ , value: _})
	//byStorageTypeErrorObj:        See set() example for explanation
	complete: function(byStorageTypeResultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}


//Without comments
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	options: optionsObj,
	complete: function(byStorageTypeResultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}

//With comments

	//Array specifying facilities items are located in
	storageTypes: ["silverlight", "fileSystem"],
	//We're retrieving the data items persisted in the set() example, use same optionsObj
	options: optionsObj,
	/Define a callback to be executed after completion
	//byStorageTypeResultDataObj:   Contains pairings each consisting of a target storage type 
	//				                and the number of data items in it that were removed
	//byStorageTypeErrorObj:        See set() example for explanation
	complete: function(byStorageTypeResultDataObj, byStorageTypeErrorObj){}


//You may supply a user-defined function for any storage facility that may
//contain expired item. The supplied function will then be used in place of 
//the internal to remove the expired items from that particular facility
//(see "User-defined storage operation functions" for details)

Storage type options

Values for any options that a given storage facility exposes can be specified through the options object detailed in the above examples.

The internal object which contains the default values used is shown below:

var defaultStorageTypeOptionsObj = {
		domain: null,
		path: null,
		isSecure: false
		storeName: "Baked_Goods",
		locusElement: null,
		useBodyAsBackup: true
	globalStorage: {
		domain: null
	webSQL: {
		databaseName: "Baked_Goods",
		databaseDisplayName: "Baked Goods",
		databaseVersion: "",
		estimatedDatabaseSize: 1024 * 1024,
		tableData: {name: "Main", columnDefinitions: "(key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)", keyColumnName: "key"}, 
		tableIndexDataArray: [],
		//Set operation pertinent options
		setOnlyIfAbsent: false
	indexedDB: {
		databaseName: "Baked_Goods",
		databaseVersion: 1,
		objectStoreData: {name: "Main", keyPath: null, autoIncrement: false},
		objectStoreIndexDataArray: [],
		closeConnection: false
		storageType: window.TEMPORARY,
		size: 1024 * 1024,
		directoryPath: "/",

		//Set operation pertinent options
		startPosition: 0,      //Number.MAX_VALUE represents "one past" the last byte of the file

		truncateBeforeWrite: true,
		truncatePosition: 0,   //Number.MAX_VALUE represents "one past" the last byte of the file

		writeOnlyIfAbsent: false,
		realizeDirectoryPath: false,

		//Get operation pertinent options,
		dataFormat: "text",
		dataEncoding: null,

		//Get/Remove all pertinent options
		recursive: true,
		removeDirectories: true,
		removeTargetDirectory: true
		swfPath: "ext_bin/BakedGoods.swf",

		lsoName: "Baked_Goods",
		lsoPath: null,

		elementID: "bakedGoods",
		elementParent: document.body,
		elementStyle: "visibility:none;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height1px;",

		allowScriptAccess: "sameDomain"
	silverlight: {
		xapPath: "ext_bin/BakedGoods.xap",

		storeScope: "application",
		conduitClass: "IsolatedStorageFile",

		directoryPath: "/",

		dataFormat: "text",
		dataEncoding: null,

		//Set operation pertinent options
		startPosition: 0,      //Number.MAX_VALUE represents "one past" the last byte of the file

		truncateBeforeWrite: true,
		truncatePosition: 0,   //Number.MAX_VALUE represents "one past" the last byte of the file

		writeOnlyIfAbsent: false,

		//Get/Remove all pertinent options
		recursive: true,
		removeDirectories: true,
		removeTargetDirectory: true,

		elementParent: document.body,
		elementStyle: "visibility:none;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height1px;"


Storage operation options

BakedGoods defines several storage operation-specific options that can alter the way they're performed:

var defaultOperationOptionsObj = {
	set: {
		conductDisjointly: false, 	//if false, the target storage facilities will be looped through
                                    //in order, and for each, an attempt will be made to store the items
                                    //unable to be persisted in the facilities appearing before it 
									//if true, the entire set of data items supplied for the operation
                                    //will be persisted in each of the target storage facilities, in order
		recordExpirationData: false //if true, expiration-related data pertaining to each item that was
                                    //succesfully stored is recorded in a storage facility entity specifically
                                    /designated for such data. A call to bakedGoods.removeExpired() will   
                                    //remove data items regarded as expired at the time of the call 
	get: {
		conductDisjointly: false,  	//if false, the target storage facilities will be looped through in order,
                                    //and for each, an attempt will be made to retrieve the items absent  
                                    //or unable to be retrieved from the facilities appearing before it 
									//if true, the entire set of keys supplied will be used in the retrieval
                                    //operation conducted for each target storage facility
		regenerate: false			//if true, any to-be-retrieved data item that is absent in a given 
                                    //target storage facility, but is retrieved from a facility appearing 
                                    //later than it will be restored in the former. You can supply the custom
                                    //functions you may have used to originally store the items, in an object keyed in 
                                    //the options object by "regenerationFunctions" (see "User-defined functions" below)
		removeExpirationData: false	//if true, expiration-related data pertaining to 
                                    //each item that was removed is also removed
		removeExpirationData: false	//if true, expiration-related data pertaining to 
                                    //each item that was removed is also removed

Database types

WebSQL and IndexedDB based storage operations can be conducted through the interface just like non-database types. This interface uniformity, however, introduces a few differences in the data you supply it.

//Create objects containing operation preferences for equivalent databases in webSQL and indexedDB.
//If the operation is a set(), and the referenced structures don't exist, they will be created automatically.
var webSQLOptionsObj = {
	databaseName: "Example_DB",
	databaseDisplayName: "Example DB",
	databaseVersion: "",
	estimatedDatabaseSize: 1024 * 1024,
	tableData: {name: "Main", keyColumnName: "lastName", columnDefinitions: "(lastName TEXT PRIMARY KEY, firstName TEXT)"}, 
	tableIndexDataArray: [name: "First_Name_Index", columnNames: "(firstName)"]

var indexedDBOptionsObj = {
	databaseName: "Example_DB",
	databaseVersion: 1,
	objectStoreData: {name: "Main", keyPath: lastName, autoIncrement: false},
	objectStoreIndexDataArray: [{name: "First_Name_Index", keyPath: "firstName", unique: false, multiEntry: false}],

var optionsObj = {conductDisjointly: false, webSQL: webSQLOptionsObj, indexedDB: indexedDBOptionsObj};

//Without comments
	data: [{value: {lastName: "Obama", firstName: "Barack"}}, {value: {lastName: "Biden", firstName: "Joe"}}],
	storageTypes: ["indexedDB", "webSQL"],
	options: optionsObj

//With comments

	//For webSQL, tuples are exclusively supplied with just the "value" property. For indexedDB, this is also true
	//if a keyPath is set. If it isn't, data item objects are supplied the normal (key, value) way
	data: [{value: {lastName: "Obama", firstName: "Barack"}}, {value: {lastName: "Biden", firstName: "Joe"}}],
	//Assuming conductDisjointly is false, this will attempt to store  
	//the data in indexedDB, deferring to webSQL if it isn't supported
	storageTypes: ["indexedDB", "webSQL"],
	options: optionsObj
	//... Any omitted object members previously described

Filesystem types

HTML5 File system and and IsolatedStorage (via IsolatedStorageFile) based storage operations can be conducted through the interface just like non-file system types. Additionally:

  • set() operations can be supplied byte-level specifications (either for the entire supplied data item set or per data item)

  • get() and getAll() operations can be supplied data format preferences (either for the entire supplied data item set or per data item)

  • removeAll() operations can be supplied recursive and directory-inclusion specifications


      //File system specific properties are ignored by non file-system types.
      data: [{key: "key1", value: "value1", startPosition: 5, truncateBeforeWrite: true, truncatePosition: 10}],
      storageTypes: ["fileSystem", "silverlight", "cookie"]
      //... Any omitted object members previously described


Conditional operations

Conditional retrieval and removal operations can be performed in storage facilities that support structured data by using getAll() or removeAll() and supplying a filter expression:

//Without comments
	filter: "keyObj > 5 && valueObj.someProperty !== 'someValue'",								
	storageTypes: ["indexedDB", "webSQL", "flash", "silverlight"]

//With comments

	//A String representation of an expression that, when evaluated (read: sanitize if necessary)
	//using an arbitrary data item, must return true for that item to be subject to the operation.
	filter: "keyObj > 5 && valueObj.someProperty !== 'someValue'",	//"keyObj" and "valueObj" are keywords reserved
	                                                                    //in the evaluation environment to refer to
	                                                                    //the key and value of a data item,
	//Array specifying the faclities the items of interest are located in (the strings in this 
    //specific array denote all the storage types that conditional operations can be conducted on)
	storageTypes: ["indexedDB", "webSQL", "flash", "silverlight"],

	//... Any omitted object members previously described

User-defined storage operation functions

A user-defined function can be supplied for any storage type that is a target of a given operation. The supplied function will be executed instead of the internally-defined one mapped to that storage facility & operation combo:

bakedGoods.set({		//or any of the other storage-operation interface members

	//... Argument object members previously described
	functions: {
		flash: function(){}

//The signature of the function is dependant on the storage operation:

//dataArray:    Contains the data items to be stored
//optionsObj:   Contains the user-defined and/or default storage-type specific options for this operation
//complete:     function(processedItemCount, errorObj){} Call when complete.
//				    processedItemCount: # of processed items
//				    errorObj:           (optional) the caught, fatal error (if one was spawned)
function set_customFunction(dataArray, optionsObj, complete){}

//dataArray:    Contains identifying metadata, and/or objects which contain 
//              identifying metadata, of the data items to be retrieved
//optionsObj:   Contains the user-defined and/or default storage-type specific options for this operation
//complete:     function(processedItemCount, keyValuePairsObj, errorObj){} Call when complete.
//				    processedItemCount: # of processed items
//				    keyValuePairsObj:   object containing pairs each consisting of
//                                      a desired key and the value it keys
//				    errorObj:           (optional) the caught, fatal error (if one was spawned)
function get_customFunction(keyArray, optionsObj, complete){}

//dataArray:    Contains identifying metadata, and/or objects which contain 
//              identifying metadata, of the data items to be removed
//optionsObj:   Contains the user-defined and/or default storage-type specific options for this operation
//complete:     function(processedItemCount, removedKeyArray, errorObj){} Call when complete.
//				    processedItemCount: # of processed items
//				    removedKeyArray:    Keys of removed items (must omit from argument list 
//                                      if removeExpirationData is false)
//				    errorObj:           (optional) the caught, fatal error (if one was spawned)
function remove_customFunction(keyArray, optionsObj, complete){}

//exprStr:      Expression string to be used to procure criteria-meeting data items (must omit from
//              argument list if facility can't be target of conditional operation (see relevant section))
//optionsObj:   Contains the user-defined and/or default storage-type specific options for this operation
//complete:     function(processedItemCount, keyValuePairsObj, errorObj){} Call when complete.
//				    processedItemCount: # of processed items
//				    dataItemObjArray:   An array of the data items procured (each of the form {key: _, value: _}
//				    errorObj:           (optional) the caught, fatal error (if one was spawned)
function getAll_customFunction(exprStr, optionsObj, complete){}

//exprStr:      Expression string to be used to procure criteria-meeting data items (must omit from
//              argument list if facility can't be target of conditional operation (see relevant section))
//optionsObj:   Contains the user-defined and/or default storage-type specific options for this operation
//complete:     function(processedItemCount, removedKeyArray, errorObj){} Call when complete.
//				    processedItemCount: # of processed items
//				    removedKeyArray:    Keys of removed items (must omit from argument list
//                                      if removeExpirationData is false) 
//				    errorObj:           (optional) the caught, fatal error (if one was spawned)
function removeAll_customFunction(exprStr, optionsObj, complete){}

User defined storage facilities

User-defined storage facilities names can be supplied to the storage operation interface methods. A user-defined function for that type can then be supplied to perform an operation on the named type.

This can be used to perform tricks that result in cleaner code:

//This "retrieval" is actually a "set" operation in disguise. Assuming "key1" and "key2" don't key
//anything in indexedDB, bakedGoods will execute the custom server function which can procure any
//type of value to map to the keys. Because "regenerate" is true, the values will then be stored in indexedDB. 
//Try manually retrieving data asynchonously and inserting it in to indexedDB: it's a guarenteed mess!

	data: ["key1", "key2"],
	storageTypes: ["indexedDB", "server"],
	options: {regenerate: true},
		server: function(keyArray, optionsObj, complete){
			var resultKeyValueObj = {};
			//Asynchronously communicate with a server, generate some data ...
			complete(keyArray.length, resultKeyValueObj);

Repo contents

  • bakedGoods.js: Main code file. Include it as a <script> reference in target HTML file(s)
  • ext_bin: Contains binary files necessary to access the storage facilities made available by supported external plugins. To conduct a storage operation on an external storage facility:
    • Place the file in found in ext that is associated with the target storage facility on to your server
    • Call the desired storage operation method, supplying a String of the file's path as the value to the appropriate property in the options sub-object corresponding to the desired facility
  • **ext_src: Contains the sources of the files in ext_bin
  • js_test: Contains test-related files
  • index.html: An HTML file referencing the test files in js_test (simply uncomment the reference to the desired test and load the page to run it)

Licensing and usage information

BakedGoods is licensed under the GNU General Public License (version 3). Licensing for proprietary software is available at a cost, inquire for more details.

Informally, It'd be great to be notified of any derivatives or forks (or even better, issues or refactoring points that may inspire one)!

More informally, it'd really be great to be notified any uses in open-source, educational, or (if granted a license) commercial contexts. Help me build my portfolio, if you found the library helpful it only takes an e-mail!