Modular image processing pipeline using OpenCV and Python generators. Inspired by Albumentations framework to process images
This project is using virtualenv for project environment management.
Setup the project environment:
$ virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
For stylization pipeline:
- Create
with content:
_target_: pipeline.compose.Compose
- _target_: pipeline.readers.opencv_read_image.ReadOpenCVImage
- _target_: pipeline.preprocess.resize2division.Resize2Dividable
must_divided: &must_divided 32
- _target_: pipeline.detectors.face_cropping.FaceCropping
_target_: pipeline.detectors.lib.mediapipe_detector.StatMediaPipeDetector
target_size: &target_shape 256
must_divide: *must_divided
- _target_: pipeline.stylization.image_gan_stylization.ImageGANStylization
inference_engine: &inference_engine
_target_: pipeline.stylization.inference_engine.inference_engine_cache.get_onnx_inference
model_path: # path to your onnx model
- _target_: pipeline.stylization.bbox_gan_stylization.BBoxGANStylization
inference_engine: *inference_engine
- _target_: pipeline.postprocess.merging_crops.seamless_merging_crops.SeamlessMergingCrops
crops_size: *target_shape
- In your python script use next code
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import numpy as np
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from pipeline.pipeline import Pipeline
from pipeline.processed_data import ImagePipelineData
from pipeline.utils.pipeline_data import get_data
from tests.pipeline import CONFIG
from utils.instantiate import instantiate
config_path = Path(datadir) / 'config.yaml'
config = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
pipeline: Pipeline = instantiate(config)
data = get_data(im_path)
result: ImagePipelineData = pipeline(data)
result_image = result.processed_image
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(out_dir, img_name), cv2.cvtColor(result.processed_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
is used as a test framework. All tests are stored in tests
folder. Run the tests:
$ pytest
- For Unix like pipeline idea credits goes to this Gist
- Source of the example images and videos is pixbay
- Some ideas and code snippets are borrowed from pyimagesearch
- Color constants from Python Color Constants Module