
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A PC with Java 14 installed and added to PATH variables Android SDK and Platform SDKs installed Node installed yarn installed Gradle 6.3

Clone repo and install using yarn

run on an emulator or phone using yarn android

build debug or release apk

bundle javascript code and assets by npx react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

cd android and ./gradlew assembleDebug for debug apk or ./gradlew assembleRelease for release

build debug or relase aab or bundles

bundle javascript code as above from the android directory as above run ./gradlew bundleDebug or ./gradlew bundleRelease to build bundle

Design Overview

The central logic is event based, a socket listening in for orders, on the event of an order, an action hydrates global state and the UI component is shown.

other interactions with the API are mostly REST based; updating the API on every action a rider makes. To maintain consistent state with Backend every call to the backend that "edits" an order status is followed up by a call to the basket api to update global state of the rider app.

All controllers are redux actions, please study them. Appropriate comments are made in context of use. Functions that make events happened are also commented on in the respective contexts.

The UI structure is atomic in design; Folders in screens represent screens that are related contextually. Please refer to UI design for a holistic context.


Create/Sign up flow are deprecated currently. Rider sign up happens outside of Application

Background Location service

The react native location package gets killed by the android system when the phone gets idle so there's a foreground service holding a notification to keep the service from being killed. The React Activity and the service work hand in hand in a relay race design, react activity handing out the baton to the service when the app goes into background and vice versa when the activity is launched from interacting with the foreground notification The service only posts location updates when the application is no longer in the foreground. The foreground service is called in 2 contexts,

  1. upon sign in, a native event is called that starts the foreground service
  2. when the app is launched with auth secrets valid