The VersionInfo utility generates a report of file information.
To run the utility; execute:
VersionInfo [options] <patterns>
-h -? --help Print help about this program
-v --version Print the version of this program
-s --size[=on/off] Include/exclude file-size
-t --time[=on/off] Include/exclude file-time
-r --recurse[=on/off] Enable/disable recurse into folders
-c --crc32[=on/off] Enable/disable file CRC32
-m --md5[=on/off] Enable/disable file MD5
-s1 --sha-1[=on/off] Enable/disable file SHA-1
-s2 --sha-2[=on/off] Enable/disable file SHA-2
--summary=on Add summary to report
--summary=only Only show summary
--emit=text Emit Text report
--emit=verbose Emit Verbose report
--emit=csv Emit CSV report
-- End of options
@<options-file> Provide command line arguments from file
The following is an example Text report:
Name Size Time Title Version Product
test.dll 2048 2019/03/15 15:31:35 Example DLL Example DLL
test.jar 372 2019/03/15 15:29:28 Test Title 1.2.3 -
test.msi 20480 2019/03/15 17:11:43 MSI Test 2.3.4 -
test1.txt 0 2019/03/15 15:29:05 - - -
test2.txt 43 2019/03/15 15:29:05 - - -
test3.txt 112 2019/03/15 15:29:05 - - -
The following is an example Verbose report:
Size: 2048
Time: 2019/03/15 15:31:35
MD5: 25d73c514a3230aaec3f942b527a58d2
Title: Example DLL
Product: Example DLL
Author: DEMA Consulting
Copyright: Copyright (c) DEMA Consulting 2018
Size: 372
Time: 2019/03/15 15:29:28
MD5: e9c20902140ca6820afcd389c8e666ab
Title: Test Title
Version: 1.2.3
Author: DEMA Consulting
Size: 20480
Time: 2019/03/15 17:11:43
MD5: 32d94f660f1eabae9eede62f05ade914
Title: MSI Test
Version: 2.3.4
Author: DEMA Consulting
Size: 0
Time: 2019/03/15 15:29:05
MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Size: 43
Time: 2019/03/15 15:29:05
MD5: 9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6
Size: 112
Time: 2019/03/15 15:29:05
MD5: 03dd8807a93175fb062dfb55dc7d359c
The following is an example CSV report:
test.dll,2048,2019/03/15 15:31:35,,25d73c514a3230aaec3f942b527a58d2,,,Example DLL,,Example DLL,DEMA Consulting,Copyright (c) DEMA Consulting 2018
test.jar,372,2019/03/15 15:29:28,,e9c20902140ca6820afcd389c8e666ab,,,Test Title,1.2.3,,DEMA Consulting,
test.msi,20480,2019/03/15 17:11:43,,32d94f660f1eabae9eede62f05ade914,,,MSI Test,2.3.4,,DEMA Consulting,
test1.txt,0,2019/03/15 15:29:05,,d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e,,,,,,,
test2.txt,43,2019/03/15 15:29:05,,9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6,,,,,,,
test3.txt,112,2019/03/15 15:29:05,,03dd8807a93175fb062dfb55dc7d359c,,,,,,,