
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




enumerator is a tool built to assist in automating the often tedious task of enumerating a target or list of targets during a penetration test.

enumerator is built around the Kali Linux distro. To use this on other Linux distros, please ensure the following tools are installed:

  • nmap
  • nikto, dirb (http enumeration)
  • hydra (ftp enumeration)
  • enum4linux (netbios enumeration)

Windows is NOT supported at this time.

Available Service Modules

  • FTP (hydra ftp login enumeration, nmap ftp NSE scripts)
  • HTTP (nikto scan, dirb directory enumeration)
  • Netbios (enum4linux scan)
  • RPC (showmount output)
  • SSH (hydra ssh login enumeration, nmap ssh NSE ssh-hostkey enumeration)


v0.1.4 - Added SSH service module, changed all bruteforce options to use 'tiny' credentials file instead of 'micro', reverted nmap TCP scan options, minor bug fixes.

v0.1.3 - enumerator now takes either a file path or single host parameter to use.

v0.1.2 - Refactored service classification rules out to individual service modules and updated class GenericService to validate new service rules. Created ProcessManager to handle process related tasks.

v0.1.1 - Corrected issue with flooding system with processes, now moved to use multiprocessing.Pool().


While not required, it is advised to create a virtualenv for enumerator to avoid conflicts with different versions of required packages. If you're unfamiliar with virtualenv, please follow [this guide] 1.

Use [pip] 2 to install the required libraries:

(venv) $ pip install enumerator

or alternatively, if you have cloned the enumerator repository:

(venv) $ python setup.py install


To run, enumerator takes one of two parameters; either a file path to a text file with a list of IP addresses, one per line.

  • -f, --file - path to a text file with a list of IP addresses, one per line.
  • -s, --single - a single IP address.
(venv) $ enumerator -f /root/Desktop/hosts.txt
(venv) $ enumerator -s

enumerator will then asynchronously begin scanning using nmap. Once nmap finishes, the nmap results are parsed and passed to a system which, based upon a simple set of rules, delegates further service-level enumeration to service-specific modules found in lib/. Each service module defines specific enumeration applications to be run, and will run each process against the target, writing any results to file for review.

Currently, enumerator output is very minimal, so it's safe to say that when the enumerator script finishes, all hosts have been thoroughly scanned. Future versions of enumerator will have better in-time reporting of enumeration progress. Results are saved in results/, and each host will have their own folder, within which all enumeration process output is saved for review once enumerator completes.

Extending enumerator

enumerator is designed to be (relatively) easily extended for additional service enumeration! Follow these steps to add your own additional service enumeration:

Creating a NEW service module:

  • Create folder in lib/ for your service module and related files.
  • Create service module file and __init__.py inside the folder created above.
  • The service module should be identical in syntax to existing service modules.
  • SERVICE_DEFINITION is a special set of key:value rules to classify a service. Details below.
  • PROCESSES should contain the literal command(s) to be run. Follow the named parameter syntax for any variable strings.
  • Update the params dictionary within the scan() method to match parameterized string vars set in PROCESSES.
  • In lib/delegator.py, import your new module along with the existing module imports.
  • In lib/delegator.py, instantiate your service module and add the object to the service_modules list.

In order to test a newly created service module, it is much easier to test by invoking the module directly as opposed to running enumerator. Make sure that your new service module follows the same syntax as existing module scripts at the very bottom of the script. Update those calls to match the syntax required for your new service module. To run, use the following syntax from the root directory of enumerator, replacing names and input parameters as needed:

(venv) $ python -m enumerator.lib.<service>.<service> <ip> <port> <output directory>

Updating an existing service module:

  • To add a new service enumeration command to an existing module, simply update PROCESSES with the command to be invoked. Be sure that any named parameters are passed in the scan() call.

Creating and Updating service definitions

SERVICE_DEFINITION defines what attributes classify a particular service. Two keys, service and port are available to define the service. Following two examples and how they translate:

  • service:ftp - The value 'ftp' should be present in nmap's 'service' value.
  • service:http,-proxy or port:8081 - The value 'http' should be in 'service', the value 'proxy' should not be in 'service' or the value 'port' should contain the value '8081'.

Updating nmap process command line parameters:

Generally speaking, editing these defined parameters may negatively impact the service enumeration modules, so take care with what is being modified! Configurable nmap options such as type of TCP connection syntax, port ranges may certainly be modified to suit the specific use case. These changes are made in lib/nmap.py in the PROCESSES constant defined near the top of the script.

Additional Information

enumerator is being actively maintained! The TODO file will be kept updated with various known bug fixes, minor or major features to be worked on. If you're interested in working on a new feature or would like to submit new service enumeration modules to the project, by all means fork us! Maleus and felux (Steve Coward) are always around on IRC if you'd like to join us! You can find us on Freenode at #overflowsec.