
Queue up and play youtube audio over discord voice.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Rhythm-Bot 2.1.5 Search / Rich Text / Buttons!

  • New search command anything after !search will be searched against youtube and return the top 3 results
  • Press the thumbs up reaction emoji to add the item to your queue
    • Note that you will want to give the bot permission to remove emojis in the text channel, this is the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission
  • Node version has updated from 10.x.x to 12.x.x due to discord.js update
  • New npm packages to install
  • Replaced dependence on manually installing ffmpeg
    • Now ffmpeg is installed via npm with ffmpeg-static when you do a simple npm install
  • In addition to the reaction button interaction on the search command you can now use buttons for the new playing control


Note: This is not the bot listed here https://rythmbot.co/


Simple little music bot to queue up and play youtube audio over discord voice channels.

Bot Commands

  • Show some helpful info


  • Search for a video on YouTube

    !youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

  • Join your voice channel


  • Start the queue


  • Search for a song

    !search don't stop believin

  • List songs in the queue


  • Shuffle the queue


  • Clear the queue


  • Move song in queue

    !move [targetIndex] [up/down/destIndex]

  • Save queue as playlist

    !playlist save my_awesome_playlist

  • Load playlist to queue

    !playlist load my_awesome_playlist

  • Delete playlist

    !playlist delete my_less_awesome_playlist

  • List playlists

    !playlist list

Bot Hosting

Unlisted dependencies

  • Python2.7 This version is required for node-gyp I think?
  • node-gyp command line tool
  • node.js version 12.X.X or higher is required
  • typescript types for javascript, enables easier group collaboration and simple right click to look up definitions


  • Install node latest stable release, this was built with node v12.16.1
  • For windows run npm install --global --production --add-python-to-path windows-build-tools
    • Run npm install node-gyp -g
    • Run npm install typescript -g
    • Run npm install


  • Get a token string for your bot from by registering your bot here: https://discordapp.com/developers
    • Create an invite link like this https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id={ APPLICATION ID }&permissions=2159044672&scope=bot
  • Open bot-config.json and replace the content between the quotes "<BOT-TOKEN-HERE>" with your bot token.
    • In config you can add other settings, to see an example of the settings open ./src/bot/config.ts and look at DefaultBotConfig and BotConfig for examples
  • Open bot.log if you're looking to debug errors

Running the Application

  • Run npm start