What is this repo?

It's nothing.

Absolutely NOT some technical task

Additional “nice to have” features (evaluate by yourself how many features possible to implement)
Circle contact list pictures at the left side, you may use any available image assetsCall function: by tap you call ContactListProvider::call(id) and indicate somehow active call
Grid view switcher for our contact viewer (here contact pictures “must have”)
• Smart chunk-retrieving for long lists (e.g ContactListProvider has getChunk(index, size))
Favorites: possibility to add to favorites (use star/plus button) and show only favorites
Local filter: text field by using which we may filter out contacts (great if “on the fly”)
• Alphabetical jump: service provides getAvailableLetters chars and sorted contact list
• Expert level: combine alphabetical jump with previously described chunk retrieving


  • Compiler with C++17 Support
  • Qt 5.15
  • CMake 3.14 or higher


I'm using CMake so if you have PATH correctly setup for Qt and C++ the building is standard

git clone https://github.com/Malibushko/totally_non_suspicios_repo.git
cd totally_non_suspicios_repo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . 


To change number of generated contacts you should use generatedContactsNum variable in main.qml (line 13)


Default View Grid View and filter Text filter
