
Apple Doctor is an app aimed to enhance self-assessments / doctor workflows.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Apple Doctor

Apple doctor is an ai revolved app made to simplify self analysis - and workflow management, communicating between doctors and patients

  • Made by a mark cuban ai camp student.

Tech Stack

  1. Pocketbase - used for persistent reflections between patient's and Doctor's
  2. Daisyui x Tailwindcss - css library making css easier and efficient.
  3. React x Astro - server side rendering for fast cms
  4. Express x machine learning 4 kids api - for ai to frontend communication and model training


  1. Install all frontend dependencies used for development
npm i
  • Setting up backend

    • go to machine_learning_4kids and click try it - then create a new project and fill 2 labels with data from data.json

      • the data you fill in is the symptoms copy each symptom inside of " " then apply it to the label.
      • go back and select test and train your model
    • Dowload the backend code from the backend branch then continue to do the following:

    • Next click make - python and then copy your api key -> your then going to place key inside of .env file

    • or if using replit then refer to secrets -> click the three dots next to api_key and replace it with your own Replit Skip the next few if you are using replit

    • Download the dataset from branch backend and then create a config.json file in the main dir where server.js is located

    • Now you can run server.js which sets up all endpoints
    • You can check the status of the model on the status page
    • When you get to the frontend portion be sure to swap the api url for analyzing requests with yours!
  • Database

    • Pretty simple go to pocketbase website download the latest version run the following command || you can use Pockethost which can host it for free on their servers

    • To start the server run the following in terminal either windows or linux:

     pocketbase serve
    • goto admin panel || https://your_pockethost_api_route.pockethost.io/_/ - and finish installment

    • Now that you have an database swap to backend branch go into pocketbase folder and download the schema

    • Go back to your panel - then settings and under import collections either click to upload the file or copy and paste

  • Run the frontend

    • Download the code and do the following
    • Swap the api route to your url

    const api = new Pocketbase(https://replace_with_url/) // do not include /_/ or /api just the base route https://route

    - Your done! that was easy now we need to just run the frontend
    npm run dev

Dev Log

  1. Oct 28th:

    • Implemented Login / Register both as a patient and a doctor
    • Started working on the dashboard
    • Reworked Readme
  2. Oct 29th: Design layout refractoring - made the ai navigatable / consistent and easy to use

    • Doctors ui is seperate from user ui
    • Messages page done - you can create chats by searching your doctor or vice versa
      • realtime reflective messages work aswell
      • grabbing useful data for accessments - analyzing data from reputable sources and making useful prompts to better get a quality answer.
      • Optimized ai backend api to better give an answer based on median confidency rating
  3. Oct 30th:

    • Finished working on analysis output / analyzing for user dashboard
    • Reorganized / fixed dataset inconsistencies by using concise inputs
    • small bug fixes on backend
    • Proper ui sizing for pc monitors
    • Adding common symptoms to datasets for users to view - to get a general understanding of the disease/illness
    • Adding suggestions - which can tell if a user can do it at home or if they should contact their doctor about the issue
    • Cleaned the ui for pc users
    • Made it so you cannot create duplicated chats
    • Added chat deletion option - and send to doctor button works
    • Added bulk label updates allowing you to append data to multiple labels from the dataset all at once and auto train the model
  4. Oct 31st

    • Did alot of ui fixes and enhancements
    • Added more data to the database cleaned up the dataset to be more accurate for both doctors and regular users
    • Implemented Attachments in messages allowing users to send their assements as an attachment inwhich shows as a card in the chat
    • Bug fixes on the backend & frontend
  5. Nov 1st - 3rd

    • Implemented doctor and user profile editing avatars and more
    • Finished settings page
    • Added message deleting by hovering
    • Fixes to message ui
    • Published the website to be presented