Contacts List
- List shows all contacts added to database.
- From list view user can add new contact using „+” button.
- From list view user can delete button using swipe left gesture on list element.
- List is ordered by order of adding, oldest first.
Add new contact
- Add new contact form has 3 fields: name, age, gender.
- All fields are required to save contact.
- Name field can’t be empty.
- Age field must contain only number.
- Age must be number between 0 and 99.
- Age can be changed from numeric keyboard or by stepper.
- Gender field shall have the following values: men/women/nn.
- Error labels shows information about incorrect data.
Contact Preview
- Preview shows details about contact.
- All details are editable.
- Edit buttons are active after hitting „Edit” button.
- Hitting „Done” saves data.