Placenote SDK iOS Sample app.

The Placenote Software development kit (SDK) allows developers to create mobile applications that are location aware indoors without the need for GPS, markers or beacons. The SDK is compatible with all ARKit enabled phones and can be used to create persistent augmented reality experiences on iOS! The Placenote SDK iOS Sample app provided here is to serve as an example on how to integrate the SDK into a native iOS app. This app is written primarily in Swift. Questions? Comments? Issues? Come see us on Slack

Getting Started

How to Download and Install Placenote

Download the .tar release package (RECOMMENDED)

Using this Github repository

If you prefer you can clone this repository but make sure you take note of the following:

  • Critical library files are stored using lfs, which is the large file storage mechanism for git. To Install these files, install lfs either using HomeBrew:

    brew install git-lfs

    or MacPorts:

    port install git-lfs
  • And then, to get the library files, run:

    git lfs install
    git lfs pull
  • More details can be found on the git lfs website

Official Placenote Documentation

Please use the official Placenote documentation to learn how to build apps with Placenote.