Unit 13 Mini-Project: Travel Planner

In this mini-project, you will work with a group to build an API using Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and Sequelize, and you will deploy it to Heroku.

User Stories

  • As a traveller, I want to be able to create an account.

  • As a traveller, I want to be able to create a new trip for myself using a location from a list.

  • As a traveller, I want to be able to create and view location data.

  • As a traveller, I want to be able to view all of the trips I'm taking, along with their locations.

Acceptance Criteria

  • It's done when the GET route /api/travellers returns all traveller data without associated trips in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the POST route /api/travellers creates traveller data and returns a successful response in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the GET route /api/travellers/:id returns a single traveller's data with their associated trips and a list of locations in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the DELETE route /api/travellers/:id removes a traveller and any trips associated with them and returns a successful response in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the GET route /api/locations returns all location data in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the POST route /api/locations creates location data and returns a successful response in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the GET route /api/locations/:id returns a single location's data, with its associated trips, in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the DELETE route /api/locations/:id removes a location and any trips associated with it and returns a successful response in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the POST route /api/trips creates trip data between associated travellers and locations.

  • It's done when the DELETE route /api/trips/:id removes a trip and returns a successful response in Insomnia Core.

  • It's done when the API is successfully deployed to Heroku with a MySQL database.


  • Database models should have the following fields and associations:

    • Traveller

      • id: primary key

      • name

      • email

    • Location

      • id: primary key

      • location_name

    • Trips

      • id: primary key

      • trip_budget

      • traveller_amount

      • traveller_id: non-unique foreign key that references the Traveller model's id field (Traveller.id)

      • location_id: non-unique foreign key that references the Location model's id field (Location.id)

    • Travellers have many locations, and locations have many travellers through trips (many-to-many association).

    • Set the unique flag to false to avoid a SQL error when creating the many-to-many relationship, because travellers can take multiple trips.

📝 Notes

Refer to the documentation:

Use the following sample data as the request body POST /api/trips route:

  "trip_budget": 2000.50,
  "traveller_amount": 6,
  "traveller_id": 1,
  "location_id": 2

💡 Hints

  • What model association option can we set to automatically delete associated data?

  • How can we use the data in Develop/seeds to provide starter data for locations and travellers and not have to create it ourselves?

  • If we're deploying this to Heroku, can we work on this from within the class repository, or should we make a new GitHub repo?

🏆 Bonus

If you have completed this activity, work through the following challenge with your partner to further your knowledge:

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