
ceph-open-terrarium: deploy with terraform-libvirt ceph cluster.. Configure with saltstack or ansible.

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Deploy a ceph cluster with terraform backends and provisioning with config management tools.

Currently we support following terraform backends:

Currently we support following provisioning tools:

  • saltstack.
  • ansible.


You need to install terraform https://www.terraform.io/ and https://github.com/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt.

For the config management you will need to have saltstack or ansible installed on the machine executing the states/playbook.


Have a look at examples


For explanation, remarks about the current Architecture design, have a look here architecture


Take an example.tf file and run terraform apply

Deployment will focus on libvirt-kvm. ceph-open-terrarium will use https://github.com/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt for deploying via terraform and cloudinit.

( Due to the modular nature of terraform, we might add terraform for cloud or other providers but for the first releases is out of scope.)

Config Management:

The saltstack way:

Follow instruction here: https://github.com/MalloZup/ceph-open-terrarium/tree/master/salt

The ansible way:

Once you have the IPs adress of the virtual hosts, you can use ansible. For ansible, have a look at upstream doc https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible

Opensource distros avaible

You can use following OS-images. Note: We are providing the OS-images, feel free to fix/expand the terraform files and relative modules.

Requirements: For adding an OS on the table we need a cloud-image avaible upstream.

Operating System Version Avaible To be supported Providers
Arch latest ✔️ libvirt
openSUSE Leap 42.3 ✔️ libvirt
Ubuntu 18.04 ✔️ libvirt
CentOS 7.1 ✔️ libvirt
Debian 9 ✔️ libvirt
Fedora 28 ✔️ libvirt
Gentoo libvirt

There are Linux Entreprise System however this images are not open to community.


Take a look on contributing


A big thank you to all contributors who participated in this project.