
Add gentoo module image

MalloZup opened this issue · 7 comments

Image should be openstack qcow format

@mudler does gentoo have official cloud images?

@maximenoel feel free to post the output of terraform get.

this might work

for any info feel free to ping

@MalloZup I added my work on my branch add_gentoo.
With terraform get I have =>

  • module.cloudinit
  • module.gentoo

and with terraform init I have =>

Initializing modules...

  • module.cloudinit
  • module.gentoo

Error: resource 'libvirt_domain.gentoo' config: unknown resource 'libvirt_volume.gentoo_disk' referenced in variable libvirt_volume.gentoo_disk.*.id

I'm not completely understand what QUEM does...

@maximenoel ok sound good error, isn\t sexy 😄 ?

The error you have is more a terraform specif one.

Error: resource 'libvirt_domain.gentoo' config: unknown resource 'libvirt_volume.gentoo_disk' referenced in variable libvirt_volume.gentoo_disk.*.id

This mean something is wrong on the TF logic.

Feel free to create a PR with WIP prefix so i can have a look and show you were is not working.

It will be definitely something on the syntax afaik 🌻