
enable terraform travis-ci

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would be cool to have a travis-ci file that would check at least there the terraform files are ok with no typos or semantic errors, etc.

this is should be really easy to do

how are semantic errors checked on terrafom files ? with terraform plan ?

@pgonin terrafrom plan yop could be good idea ๐Ÿ‘

it can give errors like and validate the files

Error: module "base": "name_preffix" is not a valid argument

The thing is that it might be tricky to setup the libvirt part in the container and that the plugin libvirt works at least at the terraform plan level

@pgonin fixed

jfyi terraform fmt format auto the files
terraform validate is for validate syntax ( however is trycky in travis ci with libvirt URI etc, so we dont run it)

we do terraform fmt and terraform init which is enough to validate for typos :rock

๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€