# minimum resources and config to get it working
set mysql_connection_string "mysql://john:smith@localhost/es_extended?charset=utf8mb4"
stop webadmin
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure hardcap
ensure rconlog
ensure baseevents
ensure mysql-async
ensure cron
ensure skinchanger
ensure es_extended
- Switched to a module-based single resource for ease of use and performance
- Performance improvements
- Split all base functionnalities into their own module
- Module can either encapsulate its own functionality or declare global stuff
- Loading modules via method M('themodule') ensure correct loading order of modules
- Automated database schema generation (RIP SQL files everywhere)
- Database schema can also be expanded by other modules
- Custom event system to avoid serialization of event data and cross-resource communication, that make it possible to pass metatables through these events (You can still use TriggerEvent and such to escape that thing)
- xPlayer fully customizable without rewriting core resources (Hello second job, faction system and such...)
- Added some modules to optimize common things like input, marker and static npc management
- Extend base lua functionnality when appropriate via module. example: table.indexOf
- OOP System based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/InheritanceTutorial and improved
- Neat menu API
- Open as many pages as you want in single NUI frame with Frame API
- EventEmitter class
- WIP rewrite of well-known datastore / inventory / account stuff
-- Menu
M('ui.menu') -- This module provides global Menu factory method
local menu = Menu:create('test', {
title = 'Test menu',
float = 'top|left',
items = {
{name = 'a', label = 'Fufu c\'est ma bro', type = 'slider'},
{name = 'b', label = 'Fuck that shit', type = 'check'},
{name = 'c', label = 'Fuck that shit', type = 'text'},
{name = 'd', label = 'Lorem ipsum'},
{name = 'e', label = 'Submit', type = 'button'},
menu:on('ready', function()
menu.items[1].label = 'TEST';-- label changed instantly in webview
menu:on('item.change', function(item, prop, val, index)
if (item.name == 'a') and (prop == 'value') then
item.label = 'Dynamic label ' .. tostring(val);
if (item.name == 'b') and (prop == 'value') then
local c = table.find(menu.items, function(e) return e.name == 'c' end)
c.value = 'Dynamic text ' .. tostring(val);
menu:on('item.click', function(item, index)
print('index', index)
-- DataStore
on('esx:db:ready', function()
local ds = DataStore:create('test', true, {sample = 'data'}) -- name, shared, initial data
ds:on('save', function()
print(ds.name .. ' saved => ' .. json.encode(ds:get()))
ds:on('ready', function()
ds:set('foo', 'bar')
print('callbacks also')
-- Here is how datastore schema is declared, no need to feed some SQL file
on('esx:db:init', function(initTable, extendTable)
initTable('datastores', 'name', {
{name = 'name', type = 'VARCHAR', length = 255, default = nil, extra = 'NOT NULL'},
{name = 'owner', type = 'VARCHAR', length = 64, default = 'NULL', extra = nil},
{name = 'data', type = 'LONGTEXT', length = nil, default = nil, extra = nil},
-- Want to create faction system ?
xPlayer.createDBAccessor('faction', {name = 'faction', type = 'VARCHAR', length = 64, default = 'gang.ballas', extra = nil})
-- Now any player (which is instance of xPlayer) have the following methods
-- Also user table has now a faction column added automatically
local player = xPlayer:fromId(2)
-- I want to store JSON :(
-- No problem
xPlayer.createDBAccessor('someData', {name = 'some_data', type = 'TEXT', length = nil, default = '{}', extra = nil}, json.encode, json.decode)
-- I want to store WHATEVER (comma-separated list for example) :(
-- No problem
{name = 'some_weird_data', type = 'TEXT', length = nil, default = '1,2,3,4,5', extra = nil},
function(x) -- encode
return table.concat(x, ',')
function(x) -- decode
return string.split(x, ',')