
Crystal orientation mapping in Inconel 718 from directional reflectance.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Machine Learning Approach to Map Crystal Orientation by Optical Microscopy

This repository contains the Python code necessary to reproduce the results presented in our publication.



To access and execute the code, please clone this repository to your local machine.


We recommend executing the code in the provided virtual environment environment.yml using conda (to install Anaconda: see here). To create the environement, use:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create an environment with the name drm_ml. To activate that environment, use:

conda activate drm_ml

We tested the code using the following dependencies:

  • python 3.6.13
  • numpy 1.19.2
  • pandas 1.1.5
  • matplotlib 3.3.4
  • scikit-image 0.17.2
  • scikit-learn 0.24.2
  • tensorflow 2.1.0

Please download the data folder (3.5 GB) and trained_models folder (139 Mb) from the Menedley Dataset available at DOI:10.17632/z8bh7n5b7d.1. Copy the two folders into the root directory of the repository.


The data folder contains (i) all training and evaluation sets used to derive the results presented in our publication and (ii) three additional files:

  • /samples/08/drm_data.npy : A 4D numerical matrix (shape (x, y, theta, phi), type uint8) representing the experimental DRM dataset of the test specimen showcased in Figure 3 of the paper.
  • /samples/08/eulers.npy : The corresponding matrix of Euler angles measured by EBSD for this test specimen (shape (x, y, 3), type float32).
  • anomaly_specimen.npy : The DRM dataset of the specimen shown in Figure 6 of the paper to demonstrate the detection of out-of-distribution data.

The lib folder contains the Python code to process the data and implement and test our machine learning models to reproduce our results.

The trained_models folder contains ten EulerNet models trained independently on the different cross-validation splits.

Steps to reproduce our results

Three test files are provided:

  • Execute main_demo.py to reproduce the machine learning prediction and evaluate performance. Typical runtime is about 5-10 min.
  • Execute anomaly_detection.py to reproduce our anomaly detection results. Typical runtime is < 1 min.
  • Execute data_extraction.py for a demonstration of the basic process used to select data for training and test sets. Typical runtime is about 3-5 min.


For any inquiry, please contact the corresponding author.